Missing/Duplicate tile sheet

By Natai, in Mansions of Madness

Played through the first scenario last night and quickly discovered that I was missing some map tiles.

After further investigation, it appears my box contained two copies of tile sheet 5, but was missing sheet 6. I know that one of the map tiles on that sheet is Hall End, but I'm not sure what else was there.I submitted a request via FFG's customer service, but haven't heard back yet.

Does anyone have a lead on scans of the map tiles from sheet 6? I'd like to print the missing tiles and use them to cover my extra tiles (from sheet 5) until I get word on a replacement.

I could scan the tiles for you, if I knew which ones were on sheet 6.

Here is a list of all of the tiles included in MOM2e. You tell me which ones you don't have, and I could create scanned images for them:

Attic - Attic Stairs / Park Pond

Ballroom / Warehouse

Basement - Basement Stairs / Flea Market

Bedroom 1 / Alley 1

Bedroom 2 / Alley 2

Bell Tower / Street Corner 1

Billiards Room / Alley End

Conservatory - Garden Path / Store Front - Front Street

Dining Room - Kitchen / Town Square

Entry Hall / Street Corner 2

Hall 1 / Dock 2

Hall 2 / Dock 1

Hall Corner 1 / Alley Corner 1

Hall Corner 2 / Alley Corner 2

Hall Corner 3 / Street 1

Hall End / Street Corner 3

Hall Stairs / Street 2

Interior Hall - Small Bedroom 1 - Small Bedroom 2 / Root Cellar - Yard 3

Library / Yard 1

Lobby / Yard 4 - Tool Shed

Lounge / Pier - Snack Shack

Office / Houseboat - Cabin

Rental Shack - Rental Dock / Study

Yard 2 / Beach - Moldy Shack

Edited by any2cards

Thanks! Looks like I'm missing these three tiles:

Hall Corner 2 / Alley Corner 2

Hall End / Street Corner 3

Interior Hall - Small Bedroom 1 - Small Bedroom 2 / Root Cellar - Yard 3

I created JPGs of both sides of each of these tiles and stored them in a DropBox.

Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/alcjpkv92pyl7fg/AACDS4Ef1S2o0n-t75w-Z2IVa?dl=0

I hope this gives you what you need until you can get replacements from FFG.

One other thing I would point out ... while you noticed you were missing tiles from Tile Sheet 6, it should be noted that those tiles also had tokens on them. I would assume that if you got two of sheet 5, you may be missing some tokens that were on Sheet 6. I don't remember specifically what was on sheet 6, but:

You should have the following tokens for a complete set:

  1. 16 Search / Interact Tokens
  2. 16 Explore / Sight Tokens
  3. 24 Monster Tokens
  4. 22 Person Tokens
  5. 4 Barricade Tokens
  6. 4 Secret Passage Tokens
  7. 18 Fire / Darkness Tokens
  8. 26 Clue Tokens
  9. 8 Wall Tokens
  10. 4 Door Tokens
  11. 6 ID Tokens
  12. 1 Proof of Purchase Token
Edited by any2cards

Thanks! Exactly what I needed!

Picked up some supplies today and just made the three tiles from scratch - rather than just covering my duplicates. Came out fairly well, and I should be good to go until I hear back from FFG.

I thought about the tokens too, but I haven't run into any issues yet. I've got at least some of all the tokens - might only have 2 secret passages. I might be missing some person tokens, but I doubt that will cause too many problems.

Thanks again!

May I request for scans too? I've a couple misprints and I'm still waiting for a response from FFG. I just need Lounge (Streets of Arkham) and Studio/Studio Storage (Streets of Arkham). Thank you. :)