New characters of old favourites?

By Srba, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

It seems pretty likely we'll be getting a bit of both, but in terms of what people are looking forward too: are you more excited about seeing new characters developed and introduced to the game, or are you more interested to see how classic Arkham characters are handled in the new game?

At the moment, I'm sort of itching to see Harvey Walters, Dexter Drake, Carolyn Fern included.

EDIT: Can't edit title typo - I meant 'or' of course :(

Edited by Srba

I haven't played any Lovecraft-themed games before and am only just getting into the books, so the characters are all new to me. On a related note, I'm looking forward to seeing how different classes and playstyles are handled.

Ah, well while the FF Lovecraft games do reference characters from the books, they have their own cast of heroes that cross over between the games. The two who have been featured so far are original FF creations who have appeared previously in their other games.

I suspect we're more likely to see authentic Lovecraft characters as allies than as heroes.

All I know is that as soon as Silas Marsh (or another Innsmouth-related character) comes out, that's who I'm playing regardless of their abilties. The Shadow Over Innsmouth is one of my absolute favorite stories, and playing a character based on that in a story-driven game would make me very happy.

I expect that you'll see all the character names from Elder Sign, Arkham Horror boardgame, Edritch Horror. As those start to get used up, they'll probably start pulling more names from the Call of Cthulhu LCG and Lovecraft stories.

I have had a soft spot in my heart for Harvey Walters ever since the game of Arkham Horror we once played where he was dealt Martial Arts as a starting skill, earning him the nickname "Mutton Chops" in my playgroup.

I have had a soft spot in my heart for Harvey Walters ever since the game of Arkham Horror we once played where he was dealt Martial Arts as a starting skill, earning him the nickname "Mutton Chops" in my playgroup.

Ah poor Harvey Walters: He's an example PC from the Call of Cthulhu RPG (at least since 5th edition) The guy goes trough a lot.

He's a card, but I wouldn't consider him a well known character in CoCLCG and he wasn't added to the game until rather late (in the Shub box). I think you'd be more likely to see someone like Dr. Carson, Eryn Cochwyn, or Steve Clarney from the LCG.

When you want something done you bring Joe Diamond. He was always our go to guy in Mansions of Madness. Also can't wait to play Lily Chen.

I always really wanted to love Dexter Drake in AH, but he was miles off being the best caster in the game. Hope they come up with a nice ability for his appearance in this.

I don't really get why both Roland Banks and Joe Diamond exist. How do they differ from one another?

I have had a soft spot in my heart for Harvey Walters ever since the game of Arkham Horror we once played where he was dealt Martial Arts as a starting skill, earning him the nickname "Mutton Chops" in my playgroup.

Ah poor Harvey Walters: He's an example PC from the Call of Cthulhu RPG (at least since 5th edition) The guy goes trough a lot.

I'm pretty sure I have a 4th edition CoC RPG home with Harvey in it. IIRC, Harvey was Sandy Petersen's character when he was creating / testing the game; I seriously can't imagine any of the AH Files games coming without Harvey appearing, sooner or later

I'm just hoping that they will have Bob Jenkins, the Salesman in this game.

Because he remains my gold standard for playable characters in Arkham Horror the board game. And I have more than a handful of fun stories about the adventures of Arkham's pluckiest salesman.

My voodoo queen with the voice of an angel, Marie Lambeau. Also hope to see Harvey Walters & Joe Diamond. My wife will want to see Jenny Barnes.

I expect that you'll see all the character names from Elder Sign, Arkham Horror boardgame, Edritch Horror. As those start to get used up, they'll probably start pulling more names from the Call of Cthulhu LCG and Lovecraft stories.

Mansions of Madness 2E has brand new characters, they are a possible choice as well.

I can confirm Harvey's appearance in the 3rd Edition of the Call of Cthulhu rpg! - and am certain I recall him from the 1st edition box; but sadly that has become Lost in Time and Space.. :(

I'm most excited to play Rex Murphy and Finn Edwards, but I'm hoping to see Luke Robinson released because that would be a great opportunity to do a campaign in the dreamlands.

I am very excited to see Silas Marsh as well. I play Eldritch Horror and our tradition is that the player of Silas must remove his shirt and talk in the third person. Silas will slay the monster and close the gate. This is great when you are trying to explain a very complex strategy idea to people. Silas will use his extra actions to bounce around and then Silas believes... so on and so forth. Anyhow, when Silas comes out, I am going to make a baller Sailing deck.