Runewars RPG to advance the fluff?

By cogollo, in Runewars Miniatures Game

What do you think?

Now that they are going into the "big minis battles" system, will FFG publish an RPG for its Terrinoth world to help develop its fluff?

I think it would be great if they use an evolution of the dice system of WHFRP3 and Star Wars RPG. I have run (and played in) several scenarios with those systems and I liked them a lot.

I'm sure it would be on the cards at some point, but bear in mind there is no RPG currently for the Android universe, which is a far more fleshed out (and possibly popular) IP.

I think we can definitely expect a fluff bible like the Android one based on Christian Petersens comments at GenCon.

I'd expect a Terrinoth book similar to the Worlds of android book based on what was said during the In flight report at Gencon

Edited by Toqtamish

An RPG source book would be a great way to put out a lot of fluff at once, I could see that. If you want the minis game people to pick it up, you'd want to keep it relatively cheap, maybe separate the RPG part into two books. One rulebook that only RPG guys buy, and one smaller world book which is very light on the RPG parts (just fluff) that the minis guys can buy without feeling they're paying for a lot of stuff they don't need.