Thank you FFG!!!!

By LifeGain, in Runewars Miniatures Game

There I was, eagerly awaiting what would come out of the In-Flight report. Armada. Meh. Not my cup of tea. X-Wing. Interesting! A rather awesome looking shuttle with decent stats to boot. Then I saw something that totally caught me off guard. FFG announced a miniature wargame!! I was pleasantly overjoyed, because I had thought about incorporating house rules to bring the X-Wing mechanic of movement to a wargame. Now, we have that and much more. I love that they brought the templates to this game, and made a good ruleset (based on what I have seen in demos.) I like how they made combat brutal (as it should be), and added an emphasis on making sure you calculate your moves, or you will get hit hard. I think it is good that they supply the figures unassembled and unpainted because this cuts the cost down dramatically, and allows for a cheaper entry point. I also think it is a nice touch that they are doing painting guides and supporting organized play right off the bat. Fantasy is practically built for mass combat battles and Terrinoth is a perfect choice (they don't need a license and can do it for as long as they want.) Personally, I think this is a brilliant idea from FFG and just want to thank them for going out of their "comfort zone" and going towards a full-on, fresh wargame.