Negate Damage Skill Check Question

By SparrowAdvice, in Mansions of Madness

Hi everybody! I'm really new to this game and I had a rules question.

I played my first game last night and my group ran into a hiccup in understanding what happens during the Mythos phase when a monster attacks you and you need to perform a skill check to avoid damage.

The wording on the event says (Skill+1 negates). The example in the rules guide showed a character with 2 strength performing a skill check to avoid 2 damage. The character rolled 1 success, so the example said she would avoid 1 damage, but it also implied that it was possible to negate the attack outright.

In the rules reference, it says that each success rolled prevents 1 damage or horror from an attack.

What does the wording in the event (i.e. the Skill+1) refer to?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I screwed this up at first, until the light went off over my head. The Skill + 1 language refers to the dice pool you use to roll for negating the effect, so it's the number of dice you have for a given skill plus an additional die. There are also "Skill-1" dice pools too, so you end up with one die less then what your skill indicates.

I hope that helps.

Roll your skill plus 1 dice. See "tests" in the reference guide, the very first point, bullet point 2.

Edited by palleon

I know what SparrowAdice is saying here as I was about to open the very same question.

Page 11 of the learn to play booklet.

The little picture of the app shows the monster activation (attack) as doing 2 damage but (strength+1 negates) so to me that means the characters strength, which is 2, plus 1 making 3 hence roll 3 dice.... however in the example text below it circles her strength of 2 and simply rolls 2 dice... she scores 1 success which negates 1 of the damage and thus she takes the remaining damage on the chin.

So if my understanding of strength+1 is correct, then she sould have rolled 3 dice not 2??

Is this a mistake in the rulebook or am I understanding it wrongly?


Yes Alex, 3 is the correct amount of dice to roll, the rulebook is mistaken

Yes Alex, 3 is the correct amount of dice to roll, the rulebook is mistaken

Thanks Julia :) my head was hurting lol