Download the App?

By GreenTea, in Mansions of Madness

I'm looking to download the app for MoM2 for my Mac, yet links I've seen say to visit, but I can't find the app on the website. Any help?

At the moment the only way to access the PC or Mac version of the App is through Valve's 'Steam' platform. You'll have to install that first and create a Steam account:

Once you have done that, you can install the Mansions of Madness App from within Steam:

You can run the application only while Steam is running. Steam has an offline-mode, so you'll be able to run the App without an active internet connection.

iOS download page on iTunes website

Android download page on Google Play website

Edited by LagAdder

Thanks! That's odd, though. There's a place on the FFG website for "Game Tools"; I wonder why it isn't available there.

Another quick question-- can the 1st edition expansions be used with the 2nd edition base game?

Another quick question-- can the 1st edition expansions be used with the 2nd edition base game?

Yes. That's what the conversion kit was made for. There is an option menu within the app where you can select the 1st edition material (including the core set from 1st edition) you have available.

The 1st edition components that can be used within 2nd edition will be made available again in the near future. [ Forum Link ]

Clarification: The six print-on-demand scenarios for 1st edition can't be used with 2nd edition. You'll have to wait for FFG to re-release those again for 2nd edition.

Edited by LagAdder

Thanks! That's odd, though. There's a place on the FFG website for "Game Tools"; I wonder why it isn't available there.

Odd indeed. This information isn't to be found anywhere one would expect it to be.

It's also odd that the current printing of the game doesn't mention Steam at all, but claims you can download a (presumably) DRM free app for PC an Mac without the necessity to own or create an account on a third party DRM platform.

That's something that many countries require to be disclosed on the box with a reasonably large sticker on the shrink wrap of the box. Remains to be seen how it'll be handled as things go along.

I'm sure all these issues will be rectified at some point.

Maybe they only want it in one place until they have mashed out all the bugs and updates with it being a new release??

Thing with steam is that it will automatically upgrade your app when the new version is released, so it would avoid FFG getting a lot of "My app did this!" followed by "Yup we fixed that in the last update please go download it and reinstall" and... "Oh I have to reinstall huh, sheesh"

So if they leave it as steam only until most of the teething troubles are ironed out, then upload a stable version to their own webspace, may save them a lot of fuss.

Just a theory

Edited by alexbobspoons

I don't criticize that they went with Steam. I criticize that they didn't disclose that information anywhere on and in the box.

A tech-unsavvy boardgamer won't get to the point in your theory. Because he'd never know Steam even exists. :blink:

Edit: Descent's product page illustrates how to direct visitors to the different places where they can get the "Road to Legend" app (the irony is that the Descent app isn't even required to play the game): [ Descent Second Edition product page ].

Although it can't replace the missing information on Steam on and in the box, updating the Mansions of Madness 2nd edtion product page with information on where to get the app would be a big help. :)

Edited by LagAdder

I don't criticize that they went with Steam. I criticize that they didn't disclose that information anywhere on and in the box.

A tech-unsavvy boardgamer won't get to the point in your theory. Because he'd never know Steam even exists. :blink:

Oh yes fully agreed, I wasnt saying anything at all against what you wrote :) I agree with you, I was merely adding a theory as to why the app isnt (yet) on FFG's own website thats all ;)