LF inspiration for painted miniatures

By Drakthal, in Mansions of Madness

Hi guys

So i was wondering whether anyone have painted the new miniatures. I started and i am painting the ones where i am pretty sure about my color palet for now. However i would like to see whether anyone with a bit more knowledge about the lore and such could show me the following miniatures painted.

Hunting Horror
Child of Dagon
Priest of Dagon
Deep One Hybrid

Best Regards Drakthal

I plan to just use the source images as color reference. That's what I did for my MoM1E heroes.

Problem is that i already got the tokens into the stands, so not easy to see anymore :) Could you post the pictures of those four models?

I think the problem is I've seen lots of examples of the painted miniatures, and just so few that are truly interesting/inspiring. I'd like to paint mine, but so far have not been moved. Thinking though, that a shaded pen and ink look, or a faux bronzed, or copper look might be better than trying to make them look realistic (and likely failing lol).

I don't yet have my copy, I get it this Saturday ಥ ̯ಥ. But if all else fails, I'll use similar coloration as my Cthulhu Wars paint ups.

You can also just google the creatures and see how others have rendered them... That could prove to be a decent starting place.

Problem is that i already got the tokens into the stands, so not easy to see anymore :) Could you post the pictures of those four models?

you can use the Arkhamwiki.com to have reference of the chits used for Arkham Horror (the colors are pretty much the same)

All good suggestions :) However especially the Child of Dagon, and the Deep One Hybrid i simply cannot find any versions of. None of those two were included in Arkham Horror at least not with that model, and since the game is so new i cannot find any painted ones.

Check Priest of Dagon, not child

There is both a Priest of Dagon and a Child of Dagon?

I don't remember the name of the mini in Mansions (can't check now), but I think the guy should be this one (possibly)

You might look at S. Peterson's Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors for ideas, though IIRC that may use a fairly limited drab palette.

One recommendation is to include small differences in the paint scheme between monsters. Allows you to distinguish between them without using the tokens.

Hunting horror is supposed to be black, but I used a purple shade for the upper and a pale flesh tone for the belly and wing flaps. Someday I might repaint them with a proper blend job. I'll post a picture if I remember tonight when I play.

My deep one hybrids I did a simple blue with some dry brushed white highlights on the sweater, a brown hat, and some grayed flesh tone. I have them some bloody lips for kicks but I kinda regret it because they look like clowns now, lol (which is actually EXTRA scary if you hate clowns like a rational person should)

I haven't painted the child or priest of dagon yet, or the star spawns either.