Request: Tutorial or Tip mode?

By Athenor, in Mansions of Madness

My first game was absolutely amazing. I can't wait, CANNOT WAIT to play it again.

But, as natural with FFG stuff, we missed some rules. I think the app can help with this!

It would be awesome if there was a "tutorial" mode that would flash up an explanation of how to do something the first time it occurred in the scenario. I know space is at a premium on phones or smaller tablets, but it would still be useful and help speed up the game.

Some notable points where I think the tutorial would have helped us:

1) The first time a monster moved, we could use a better explanation of which button to hit. Show an image of "range" and what blocks it, including how long hallways across tiles work. Also explain that you are literal about moving towards an investigator "in range" - the first time 3 options showed up on our page, we weren't sure how to handle it!

2) When a horror check needs to be made, show an image of an example monster to signal which number is the horror check value, then explain that the app is going to pause and let people do the checks. We completely missed this for half our game, and just had everyone roll for a single will success!

3) A quick example of a dice roll is useful. If a modifier shows up - like needing extra successes or +1/-1, a quick note about the maximum/minimum would be nice. I still don't know if you can ever roll more than 5 dice :)

4) How "negates" works. We missed that for the entirety of the game. Also, as Negates is a keyword, it should probably be Bolded. If there was something special about the word, we would have double-checked the rulebook. :)

5)The first time a monster moves, a quick popup drawing attention to the "conflicts" section would be handy. We had a few situations where the monster had an equidistant path to travel to two investigators, and we weren't sure how to resolve it -- if it should be in our favor or not.

6) Something else handy in a tutorial mode would be explaining impassable barriers the first time a tile is laid down with them. Though side note, the large 1st edition lobby tile.. I swear those staircases should be impassable...

7) Related.. I don't know if this came up in our game, so it may be there, but if a monster has something special, movement wise, reminders about that would be helpful.

I absolutely adore this game. I want to see it be as good as possible, and I want to make teaching the game as easy as possible. I think this kind of tutorial to call out things would go a long way to making an excellent app even better...

As would being able to rewind, like, 1 step if you mis-clicked something. :) I know why you can't, but we did miss an attack as a result of that.

The message log will likely help with your last point.

I agree it could use work to be more accessible, it would likely lead to more people buying these games, being worried you won't understand it all might put you off buying in after all.

Can you attack through doors? If you can't measure range through a door, then you can't attack through one either imo.