Why are there no Us in Daqan and Waiqar

By Zethnar, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Seriously, this bothers the hell out of me and has done for years (Waiqar less so than Daqan, but still). Who the hell decided to just throw random Qs into the names they were giving everything?

I know this probably isn't an issue for 99.999% of the people out there, but you guys REALLY need to work on how you things.

Because it's more fantas-ey to have a 'q' but read it as a 'k'?

Well, I don't know if this helps, but at the In-Flight report, Christian Peterson pronounced Daqan as "Da-kahn" which kind of makes sense if there's no "u" after the q...

I've always pronounced it as "Duck-wan" which makes the lack of a 'u' annoying, but given the way he's pronouncing it, I'm a bit more comfortable with the lack of a 'u'

The Nation of Qatar isn't a precedence for it, y'know, emanating outside of the English Language?

Well, I don't know if this helps, but at the In-Flight report, Christian Peterson pronounced Daqan as "Da-kahn" which kind of makes sense if there's no "u" after the q...

I've always pronounced it as "Duck-wan" which makes the lack of a 'u' annoying, but given the way he's pronouncing it, I'm a bit more comfortable with the lack of a 'u'

Yeah. The Rune Age tutorial videos also say "WAI-kar" and "da-KAHN" so when my cousins-in-law say "Dakwan," it drives me nuts.