
By Supertoe, in Runewars Miniatures Game


But what about Battlelore?

This will probably have an impact on the game. Most likely negative impact :(

As mentioned in other threads though, it could also recreate interest.

Not everyone is into miniature games. I turned away from WFB because of how annoyingly finicky it could get with grouped movements. BattleLore was able to mitigate many issues by streamlining gameplay and making it much faster.

They could also keep using BattleLore as a potential gateway game to the miniatures too.

And lastly (and hopefully), the use of scenarios could lead to some type of campaign tracker. I might just be being wishful about it though.

Edited by Valadar

About your threadtitle, do you think this game will have enough dakka? :D

But i hope this will not make BattleLore obsolet, i loved the first one and i will buy the second edition someday.

Edited by Iceeagle85

About your threadtitle, do you think this game will have enough dakka? :D

But i hope this will not make BattleLore obsolet, i loved the first one and i will buy the second edition someday.

It obiously needs more machine guns.

I second the Battlelore concern, but I think it's pretty much given that line of products will not be supported any more. I can understand that, apparently it wasn't that good of a seller so they decided to reimagine the concept and get in on the rank-and-flank fantasy game niche created by the demise of Warhammer. I'm still sad about it though, I was holding out on getting Battlelore until it had at least 4 factions, and I'm sure I'm not the only one and that would, at least in part, account for it's sales. The RuneWars Miniatures thing doesn't tickle me in the slightest, it looks fiddly and clunky and overproduced, unlike the streamlined board-based gameplay of Battlelore. Between the pop-in-pop-out minis, a set of cardboard movement tools, multiple dials for each and every unit on the field, an array of hieroglyphics spread over at least three different dice types and, apparently for good measure, some more dials that we don't even know the purpose of yet, I feel RWM will be to Battlelore what Armada is to X-Wing - a game that was meant to improve and expand on a simple concept, but ended up an overblown bloated mess instead.