Rouge One/Ep. 8/9 content?

By MasterMicVin, in Star Wars: Destiny

Do you think they will add new cards based on these new films? Or what about Clone Wars/Rebels tv series? I certainly hope so. People would be all over it if they did so, I'm thinking they will. Thoughts?

Of course they will. I would not be surprised to see Destiny as part of Force Friday.

Without question.

And it's Rogue.

<--- would kill for an Ahsoka card.

Honestly I hope that not only do we see things from the Tv shows and the upcoming movies but stuff from other canon sources. A girl can hope right :)

Edited by JediGeekGirl

Honestly I hope that not only do we see things from the Tv shows and the upcoming movies but stuff from other canon sources. A girl can hope right :)

Many times this. And sorry Legends folks, I hope this is a strictly Canon game.

I'm hoping for Old Republic stuff.... ok it wont happen but a man can dream dammit!

Honestly I hope that not only do we see things from the Tv shows and the upcoming movies but stuff from other canon sources. A girl can hope right :)

Many times this. And sorry Legends folks, I hope this is a strictly Canon game.

Same same same, sorry legends fans but I'm a canon girl and I agree with this statement.

As for KOTOR, if it had to be made imo it would be better as its own game.

Honestly I hope that not only do we see things from the Tv shows and the upcoming movies but stuff from other canon sources. A girl can hope right :)

Many times this. And sorry Legends folks, I hope this is a strictly Canon game.

Same same same, sorry legends fans but I'm a canon girl and I agree with this statement.

As for KOTOR, if it had to be made imo it would be better as its own game.

Yeah KOTOR era stuff is pretty different in terms of characters and storylines. I've always seen it as a fan written era, not really as part of a "George Lucas style" canon.

Yeah KOTOR era stuff is pretty different in terms of characters and storylines. I've always seen it as a fan written era, not really as part of a "George Lucas style" canon.

Oddly enough it's my favorite era.

I'm on the fence here. On the one hand it would be nice to see them restrict the game to what is currently part of Canon. But then again, they've made a point of splashing characters and situations from the entire saga right out the gate, so I see the argument that including Legends material in sparing amounts (provided LFL and Disney give the go-ahead, as they did with content for the 20Q Holocron game) would be a great nod to longstanding fans of the books and such. It's not much harder to accept Rey fighting Darth Revan than Darth Maul.

Edited by MarthWMaster

How about taking the legend era and making its own game? Now there is something exciting.

They're already splitting the fanbase between devotees of the LCG and those open to a more collectible card game. I'm just saying I believe more fans would be influenced towards playing Destiny if Legends were a small part of it than away from doing so.

We will have to wait and see. If FFG ever runs out of ideas for cards (which is unlikely) then MAYBE we'll see some Legends and KOTOR content. Would be cool to see it happen though.

I doubt that. We have so much canon stuff we can use and we are only going to get more. Not only that but with Lucasfim promoting it I would expect them to keep it Sync with their current vision and course for the Star Wars brand. I would expect that to be the brand as it currently is and what is to come. I know that might upset some amd that can totally change but that's what I get from it

I want to see Clone Wars and Rebels characters eventually! They are canon and have started making their way into the other games, so I suspect we'll see them eventually.

It would be interesting to see a Clone Wars aged Anakin before his fall then you could do Anakin vs Darth Vader.

Everything put out by FFG must go through Disney for approval. If you notice there has been a dwindling of Legends content. It is very likely that Disney will not approve any new Legends material.

With Thrawn showing up in Rebels, I think it's clear that Disney is going to slowly reintroduce the popular Legends characters into the current canon. They won't necessarily have the same history, but let's be honest, those books aren't required reading. Cool characters, forgettable stories.

I want to see Clone Wars and Rebels characters eventually! They are canon and have started making their way into the other games, so I suspect we'll see them eventually.

It would be interesting to see a Clone Wars aged Anakin before his fall then you could do Anakin vs Darth Vader.

I think for this game it'll be sooner rather than later; they explicitly stated that the intention of this game is "What if?" which means they'll add whoever they think people want as long as Disney approves.

Everything put out by FFG must go through LUCASFILM for approval. If you notice there has been a dwindling of Legends content. It is very likely that LUCASFILM will not approve any new Legends material.


Friendly reminder: Lucasfilm is in charge of creative decisions, just like Marvel and Pixstar run their own.

Edited by JediGeekGirl

Disney has less letters!

Everything put out by FFG must go through LUCASFILM for approval. If you notice there has been a dwindling of Legends content. It is very likely that LUCASFILM will not approve any new Legends material.

Corrected for u :)

Friendly reminder: Lucasfilm is in charge of creative decisions, just like Marvel and Pixstar run their own.

This is

a) pretty much arguing semantics

b) not entirely accurate, since I don't feel Lucasfilm suddenly and 100% out of their own volition decided to casually void over 30 years of their own developed content

As for the original post, I think both Rogue One and 'postquel' content is a given for Destiny, they just couldn't fit it into the first set because you know, the postquel stuff isn't even made yet and there's a moratorium date in place for Rogue One merchandise like there was for Force Awakens.

I'm also pretty sure we'll get Rebels and Clone Wars stuff in future sets, but these weren't in the first set since the cartoons are a touchy subject for some people and FFG prolly wanted to play things safe when starting out.

I'd argue that the inclusion of such a minor character as Bala-Tik in the first Destony set (seriously, I had to look up the name) is a deliberate statement by FFG that Destiny, unlike their other Star Wars games, is 'Star Wars All Inclusive', and they won't shy away from any prequel, OG or postquel stuff, or from using any canon character, no matter how small and insignificant. In Destiny, anyything goes*.

*apart from Legends stuff, but at this point, everybody should know and expect that stuff to 'not count'.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

I actually don't think it is semantics, since Kathleen Kennedy is a pretty powerful force.

Saying "Um, excuse me, when you say Disney did this or that, you mean really to say that Lucasfilm did that" is arguing semantics since it doesn't bring in anything to the discussion other than switching out a proper noun for another proper noun. We all know Lucasfilm is technically and legally in charge of Star Wars. We still use 'Disney' in the posts since that's easier than to keep saying "Lucasfilm Ltd LLC, but the one after the sell out to Disney and not the one before that which had a different way of handling the property, and specifically this or that division of the company", even though that would be more 'correct'.

When someone says "When Lucas did the Star Wars thing, blablabla", you don't go out of your way to correct them that actually, it's Lucasfilm as a company that made that Star Wars thing and Lucas was actually the director on some of the movies and a consultant on some others.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

I always say Lucasfilm. Say what you would like I was just putting it out there because some people don't know. Of the big 3 own by Disney (Marvel, Pixstar, and Lucasfilm) this brand is called Disney the most. There is confusion about it for some weird reason that doesn't exist with the other 2 brands. To expend one more time, as far as I am aware there is no one from Disney itself on the storyboard at Lucasfilm which is in charge of the creative process. How about now we leave this subject alone? Sorry for upsetting people.

On subject: Do we know how often product will be released? If it will be by other "Collectable" games standards then here are my guesses on what the next 4 set will focus on.

February -Rogue One

May -Saga part 2

August -Sage part 3

November -episode 8 light?

That's only on the movies, if we include tv I expect them to be the focus of pack May or August or both. Again this speculation is about the focus of the pack and characters it will introduce. Obviously each pack will include things from all the movies and (most likely) canon

Edited by JediGeekGirl

LFL is three letters. Just sayin'.