2 Sisters of Battle Looking for a play by post Game

By Servant of Dante, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

Sorry for the delay, I wanted to make sure Balthazar's speaking part came across the right way.

I like the good cop/bad cop dynamic between Balthazar and Ariel. :D

Dang. I really need to edit/clean up the bit I wrote about a Ministorum priest after the Genestealer Cult release. I keep telling myself that, but it never seems to happen :P Thorne's little monologue just reminded me of it again.

A real live plastic Sisters kit :P

I know it's just 1 character and a couple bodyguards, but still!

really??? cool news

Now back to the Campaign

I think I like this character

I'm beginning to see why. :D

A real live plastic Sisters kit :P

I know it's just 1 character and a couple bodyguards, but still!

Those wings though... :P

I like the good cop/bad cop dynamic between Balthazar and Ariel. :D

Indeed. :lol:

I'm so excited to finally get the chance to give you guys a real clue.

First time you give a clue, and the game's been going since August? :huh:

By my calculations then, the Pandemonium will overtake the entire Sector by the time you get your first batch of XP

I actually think XP might happen before the end of the license agreement (very rough idea).

But yes, we've been rping otherwise, this is just where the lead put them at. They've been getting information before, but this is the first tangential clue that I've had a reason to give them.

Just how things've gone. I'd rather have a slow burn then a quick flicker and death.

I like it honestly, it means a mountain less of prep I'd have to do if we were burning through my material.

And the play has felt very natural. Much better than forcing hints in were they don't make sense to make things go faster

How was everyone's holidays?

And as the Darkest Dungeon narrator would say, "Back to the Pit!"

I don't really know what to ask :P

I can respond tomorrow. My answer might give you a starting point for some more questions.

Also, hooray for clues!

The current pace of the game feels natural, we aren't rushing through things needlessly quickly and we got some time to develop our characters' relationships.

I can respond tomorrow. My answer might give you a starting point for some more questions.

Also, hooray for clues!

Sounds good.

Well, I uploaded my completed image for the 24 hour painting event I did on the B&C. I had 3 whole minutes to spare :P

It's a crappy image, and a pretty crappy paint job, but here's Senior Imagifer Ahvendiea of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal (not sure exactly how I want to spell the name yet, I think the most tricky part is making it clear that there is a long "i" sound at the end)


And this is relevant to our campaign because . . . reasons?

Edited by Servant of Dante

We'll wait and see if Lyn won't get a post in.

Apologies for the delay, I'm still on holidays here. I'll be back and available more frequently next week, though. :)

Happy New Year, all!

How's it going?

How are we doing?

Let it be known to all present and future Sisters of our Orders that they must fast at the High Vigils of Saint Thor, Saint Aspira, Saint Jason, Saint Orlanda, Saint Dolan and Saint Constantine of Alamar. Upon the Holy Days of Saint Gherick the Confessor, Saint Decessio and Saint Lucius of Agatha, let them meditate. Let them fast for not less than five days preceding the Most Holy Days of Our Founding Sisters, Saints Dominica, Katherine, Silvana, Mina, Lucia and Arabella. Let them observe silence for the vigils of Saint Capilene, Saint Josmane and Saint Lacena. Upon the Low Days of Saints Yamalla and Corvus the Sabines, Saint Tomasi, Saint Dufaux and most especially Saint Josina, they should both fast and maintain silence, and upon the Days of Saint Praxedes, Saint Kozak and Saint Verevya they should meditate upon martyrdom. Upon the Feast of Saint Jasone, they must fast, but may consider themselves at liberty between matins and vespers.

- Rule DCCLXXXV, the Rule of the Sororitaas, Volume 12

From the Liber Sororitas. Besides being an interesting and fun little quote, I thought it might be fun to incoperate some of these feast days into the campaign. Imagine having to be completely silent for an entire in-game day :P

So what happens if a Sister of Battle is on board a ship traveling through the Warp, and due to the time dilation involved there skips one or several of those Vigils? XD

So what happens if a Sister of Battle is on board a ship traveling through the Warp, and due to the time dilation involved there skips one or several of those Vigils? XD

They'd likely have to do a repentance. But if they keep an internal calendar on the ship itself I don't see how they could miss it.

Even if they keep an internal calendar the problem is that time in the Warp passes much faster than outside, and the actual is unknown to those aboard until they breach realspace again. So while a week may pass aboard a vessel, a month passes outside. That raises a question though... dear god, how much penance does a Sister need to perform if their ship is one of those that comes out of the Warp and realises a year or more has passed.

The thought itself is making me chuckle XD

Yes the warp time would pass, but within the ship and Gellar field they would experience standard Imperial passing of time until they break warp and are updated on what realspace time it actually is.

There's no way they don't already account for that sort of thing within the Sororitas. I mean it's not an overly uncommon thing.

I would imagine that they would track days normally while in the warp then I'd when they come out the day they think it is. Isn't the day it actually is and they've missed a feast day, they might just make it up or do some sort of penance.

I would imagine that they would track days normally while in the warp then I'd when they come out the day they think it is. Isn't the day it actually is and they've missed a feast day, they might just make it up or do some sort of penance.

Hehe at some point I guess you just have to ask the Emperor to forgive you, and it's all the warp's fault anyway (or maybe the navigator, you can never tell with people like them). :P

Edited by Servant of Dante

Is Balthazar lying? The woman you met was not your Inquisitor. Merely their go between for you.