Does the agility bonus for unnatural agility count for movement speed? I noticed some creatures with unnatural agility don't seem to get the movement bonus it might give them. Plus the unnatural agility bonus can exceed 10 while the. Movement scale stops at AB 10.
Unatural agility a d movement?
No. Only Unnatural Speed give bonus to movement. Corebook, p.136
Fast and fully helpful. Thank you.
As a note though for further reading, from BC onwards, Unnatural Speed has been removed IIRC so don't get used to it if you're going to move out of Deathwatch and into Black Crusade, Only War, DH2 etc.
BC Core p284 - Trait Changes (Including rules on converting from older systems to BC)
Sorry, but I'm not with you on this one. Why shouldn't Unnatural Agility count towards movement? Your AB determines your movement, Unnatural Agility raises your AB. Unnatural Speed description even says "...doubles it Agility Bonus (after modifiying AB from other traits and factors...", which in my opinion includes unnatural agility.
Edit: The only thing I know of so far that says something else would be that quote from BC. But otherwise I couldn't find any mentioning of why this shouldn't be counted.
Also, all scales have to end somewhere, because otherwise the books would tend to become quite long. For example, an Assault Marine with an AB of 6 (+1 from size), using his Speed Solo Modo at a higher rank(+4) is already at a movement rate of 11. Another example would be flying with a Jetpack (movement rate of 12).
Edited by AvdnmAgility could mean more than just simple speed. It could mean things like dodging, fast reflexes, unusually flexible or multi jointed limbs, etc.
Edited by Professor TanhauserWhile this is true the rules for Unnatural Agility clearly states that your AB gets doubled, your AB determines your movement and I have no idea why Unnatural Agility shouldn't count towards that if it's not mentioned anywhere (except in a book that's from a different system).
Corebook, page 136, "Unnatural Characteristics" trait: "Note this trait does not modify the creature’s movement."
...I knew this would happen. Don't post before second coffee.
...I knew this would happen. Don't post before second coffee.
I'm usually on -30 to personal intelligence checks before my third.
Unnatural Agility didn't previously count towards movement precisely because Unnatural Characteristics used to be multipliers. When the only possibilities for UAgi are x2 and up, for reasons of game balance you don't want to have some characters zooming past others like the Flash once you also add in an inherently high Agility stat and possibly a jump-pack or something equivalent. (Without an explicit prohibition, for instance, genestealers will probably be able to move farther in a charge than most Space Marines can on a run.) In the newer game lines, UAgi doesn't have to be so high and for good reason generally isn't, so allowing it to boost movement isn't such a big deal.