You lost me at collectible.

By Hawkstrike, in Star Wars: Destiny

Main point here is that from the company that invented the Living Card Game system as an alternate solution to the collectible card games, producing a collectible right now, years after their first LCGs, looks like a very big step backwards, also in terms of image and credibility

I'm sure the game will be fun, but the format is a deal breaker for me too

I still amazed with this kind of opinions. Of course is very respectfull. Let see... LCG is EQUAL OR WORST than a CCG in therms of money. And i fell it is also WORST. Why i must buy 3 core sets to have a complete set of cards?? thats stupid!! 120,00 € at least, and you are payind 3 times the box, the rulebook, the insert, the tokens (almost the 50% of the production). Is not a good system to compare with CCG. Also, i t depends of the personality of the people, if you need to collect all, well, you gonna paid, whatever the concept be, but with CCG you can just spend a few dolars to hava a great game, and also compete!! and everytime you want a bit of more "salt" to your game, just spend 3 dolars for a booster!! open it!! discover!! its fun!! also you can search only for the cards you want! and the best of all, trade with other players!!

First of all, 3 core was true for older LCGs; Star Wars needs only 2 cores. And in general, getting 3 cores is not that brilliant in general, because following packs will probably provide better cards than those in the core set, otherwise there won't be any need to produce new cards.

Then, trading works if you have people to trade with. I don't live in an English speaking country and this means that I'd be getting the game to play with my family or a couple of friends (literally a couple), so as said, trading is not an option. Clearly this is my problem, not FFG's, but still, I imagine there could be other people living in smaller communities where trading could be difficult.

Finally, it's not a question of money. Not saying investing in collectible costs less or more than investing in LCGs. I'm saying that from a company who made a crusade against the collectible model, created the LCG trademark and made only games with no blind buy mechanics returning to the collectible model is a huge loss in professional credibility (it's like a vegan professing his vegan convinctions seen at McDonald's eating burgers). Considering that after they were acquired by Asmodee they suddently became not so popular (see all the problems after the declarations on the need to keep prices high and control the market), putting on the market another game that's made to milk their audience is not exactly something that will be welcomed by many. Already too many people are comparing FFG to GW these days; something that would never have been imaginable 2 or 3 years ago.

I'm not saying the game won't be a success, or that they don't have the rights to do so; I'm saying that they will end up pissing off their audience. Those that allowed them to become a very important reality in the sector, and that won't support the company in the future. Clearly, as long as the money keeps flowing, I understand a company doesn't care about this, but nonetheless it's a pity.

Im not defending CCG against LCG. But its funny to me to see people make bad critics to CCG using LCG as a good example. I dont know why you say that FFG invent LCG to fight against CCG... hahaha, thats funny. I told you something. LCG is one of the most aggresive ways of selling that i know by far. People change this formats like it was a way of life. Can live together, but nobody can say, with proofs, that LCG is the GOOD and CCG the devil. Of course can understand that you prefer one that other, but to me the important first of all is the game mechanichs, not the wat of monetize, because i dont want to HAVE ALL... i just want to play.

PS and you are tottally wrong, if you want to play competitive aGoT (new LCG) you need 3 cores

Lets keep things civil now.

why does this have 51 posts?
the guy doesn't like it...let this post die so this board can focus on people who DO like the game.

why does this have 51 posts?

the guy doesn't like it...let this post die so this board can focus on people who DO like the game.

Nah he's just following lord Vader's advice...


I am super excited for this to come out. I like the prequels (not nearly as much as the others, but I still like them) and this seems like a fun way to mash them all together. I think the dice look cool and I really like dice building games so this should be fun