You lost me at collectible.

By Hawkstrike, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've bought every other FFG Star Wars game, and a number of Lord of the Rings games. In some cases, I have every expansion released.

I love the fact that I know what I'm getting with an FFG product.

But not this one. You lost me at "collectible". To Hades with blind buys.

You lost me at collectible, and at phantom menace, and at Lukas Litzsinger.

Instant miss for me.

Main point here is that from the company that invented the Living Card Game system as an alternate solution to the collectible card games, producing a collectible right now, years after their first LCGs, looks like a very big step backwards, also in terms of image and credibility

I'm sure the game will be fun, but the format is a deal breaker for me too

What's funny is that even the LCG format has a level of collectibility. You really do have to buy every expansion to stay competitive. FFG always puts worthwhile stuff in expansions that don't naturally seem worthwhile in order to get people to buy them. How many Star Wars LCG expansions have pods that are trash, but there's one good pod in there that you have to have?

So, are we gonna have to blame asmodee for this? ;)

I think like, half the cards in my last 1E GoT competitive deck were 1x-ofs that were pretty much the only card I played out of their chapter packs.

Edited by IsawaChuckles

What's funny is that even the LCG format has a level of collectibility. You really do have to buy every expansion to stay competitive. FFG always puts worthwhile stuff in expansions that don't naturally seem worthwhile in order to get people to buy them. How many Star Wars LCG expansions have pods that are trash, but there's one good pod in there that you have to have?

Yes but you are guaranteed to get that when you buy the expansion. You try getting a full play set of (let's say) fetch lands in magic the gathering, just by opening boosters.

and besides: what appears to be a bad card now, can turn out to be a real good card a few expansions layer. (like sword of the meek in MTG)

so any information on how big the set of dice/cards is? Are you (almost) guaranteed to have a full set when you buy a booster box? (36 packs per display case.)

With DM you are pretty much guaranteed to have every character in that set. You might not get the max amount of dice per card (max 4) and you won't get all the rares and super rares (guaranteed 2 per gravity feed) but if you are looking for a perticular character, your bound to get the common and uncommon versions.

so, if the set is small enough and FFG doesn't make any of the dice/cards totaly OP you might could get by with buying a display (and treating it as a expansion) altough I worry that might not be the case.

Edited by Robin Graves

Was excited. Saw format. Sorry, not going to buy into this one.

Obviously, this game will not be in the wheelhouse of the OP, but there will be a big market for this just due to the Star Wars name. Dice Masters has shown that there's a market for this kind of game, and the success of games like Force of Will show that the CCG model isn't a dead one for people with the money to buy in, so this should do well.

The product quality looks head and shoulders better than Dice Masters and the IP is a license to print money for FFG. As someone who dabbles in Dice Masters because I love D&D and comics, this game has some interest for me, although it will depend on just how much investment will be necessary and whether a local scene develops. Dice Masters is horribly unbalanced at a competitive level, which is really hurting local scenes, including my own. If it hasn't been fixed by the time this releases, DM could be in trouble. I'll definitely give this a look!

Main point here is that from the company that invented the Living Card Game system as an alternate solution to the collectible card games, producing a collectible right now, years after their first LCGs, looks like a very big step backwards, also in terms of image and credibility

I'm sure the game will be fun, but the format is a deal breaker for me too

It's almost as if being bought up by greedy french investment bankers was a bad thing.

Main point here is that from the company that invented the Living Card Game system as an alternate solution to the collectible card games, producing a collectible right now, years after their first LCGs, looks like a very big step backwards, also in terms of image and credibility

I'm sure the game will be fun, but the format is a deal breaker for me too

It's almost as if being bought up by greedy french investment bankers was a bad thing.

This post made my day.

Right. No collectibles for me. I´ll pass, too.

Then pass. It greatly confuses me why people, think anyone else cares what you are not going to buy. I'm not going to buy a Ford. Does anyone need to know that or care. Nope.

dont worry boys/girls. I'll buy your share and then some. RIP my wallet

Dammit guys! I'm trying to hate it so I don't have to get into this aswell as Dice masters and Netrunner and MTG! :)

My wallet can't handle collectable games of this magnitude! :D

Then pass. It greatly confuses me why people, think anyone else cares what you are not going to buy. I'm not going to buy a Ford. Does anyone need to know that or care. Nope.

Everybody is entitled to express his opinion, so, if it's OK saying "want" it's also OK saying "pass". If you don't like reading the opinions of the public, then avoid these threads. Finally, if this were a board about cars, saying "pass" to a Ford won't be so odd to read.

I find very interesting reading how many are happy with the format and how many will boycott the product, and I'm sure others are curious as well.

I'm still on the fense about this one:

I like what it's trying to do (dice + cards) but it's not an immediate gotta have, shut up and take my money like imperial assault was.

Time will tell I suppose...

Jeez people. If this game is not your cup of tea being "collectible", then FFG makes at least 4 other non-collectible Star Wars games that should fulfill your appetite. So go play/buy those instead of making cry-baby posts.

this thread is gonna devolve into a morras of people complaing about the posts of people complaing about people complaing about the collectability isn't it?

this thread is gonna devolve into a morras of people complaing about the posts of people complaing about people complaing about the collectability isn't it?

I'm not buying this game, I'm just here because the main page told me to "Learn More", and then when I did the page insisted that I "Discuss this on our forums". I'm only here because I'm a sucker for following directions...

On a happier note have we lumped everybody into categories of "Chicken Littles" and "Fanboys" yet? I hope I don't get picked last like in kick ball...

this thread is gonna devolve into a morras of people complaing about the posts of people complaing about people complaing about the collectability isn't it?

I'm not buying this game, I'm just here because the main page told me to "Learn More", and then when I did the page insisted that I "Discuss this on our forums". I'm only here because I'm a sucker for following directions...

On a happier note have we lumped everybody into categories of "Chicken Littles" and "Fanboys" yet? I hope I don't get picked last like in kick ball...

Yeah I'm still not sure wich side I'm on yet. So I'm chicken boy? ;)


(oh god there actually exists a chicken boy)

Main point here is that from the company that invented the Living Card Game system as an alternate solution to the collectible card games, producing a collectible right now, years after their first LCGs, looks like a very big step backwards, also in terms of image and credibility

I'm sure the game will be fun, but the format is a deal breaker for me too

I completely agree! It's sad to see FFG go in the wrong direction.

Main point here is that from the company that invented the Living Card Game system as an alternate solution to the collectible card games, producing a collectible right now, years after their first LCGs, looks like a very big step backwards, also in terms of image and credibility

I'm sure the game will be fun, but the format is a deal breaker for me too

I completely agree! It's sad to see FFG go in the wrong direction.

Asmodee wants to get into bigger retail chains. Guess what doesn't work with that strategy? FFG's LCG format with a million different SKUs. I mean, this product is clearly designed to be sold along with the Magic and Pokemon cards you find in Target or Walmart. It's not the wrong direction, because they are not converting LCGs back into CCGs.

Main point here is that from the company that invented the Living Card Game system as an alternate solution to the collectible card games, producing a collectible right now, years after their first LCGs, looks like a very big step backwards, also in terms of image and credibility

I'm sure the game will be fun, but the format is a deal breaker for me too

I completely agree! It's sad to see FFG go in the wrong direction.

Asmodee wants to get into bigger retail chains. Guess what doesn't work with that strategy? FFG's LCG format with a million different SKUs. I mean, this product is clearly designed to be sold along with the Magic and Pokemon cards you find in Target or Walmart. It's not the wrong direction, because they are not converting LCGs back into CCGs.

No they aren´t but now when they design a new product that could work both as LCG or Collectible card game they will at least think about putting it out as a collectible. The fact that collectibles gets its own forum section also means that Star Wars: Destiny won´t be the only product in that line.