New Edition?

By tng88, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

With FFG announcing new editions of Mansions and Doom, do you think Arkham might see some love in the form of a 5e?

Possibly . Although in a form in of an LCG.

Looks like it's confirmed here .

Hm, that looks like the artist says it's for the "Arkham Horror LCG", but in earlier posts on the same page for "Elder Sign LCG". I'm betting he made a mistake later, so it's for the Elder Sign game?

or as a poster says, it's for a rebranded Call of Cthulhu LCG. That probably makes the most sense.

In answer to OP, I'm betting they'll come out with a new edition of AH before any more expansions. But I'll stick with what I have and Eldritch Horror, that does me fine!

Edited by Krysmopompas

The art was commissioned and used for the Omens of Ice expansion for Elder Sign, more than one year ago

Maybe this is a confirmation enough?

(via BGG )

I'm amazed, if true, by how much they are good at not leaking info...

I'm amazed, if true, by how much they are good at not leaking info...

I think they dropped one hint .

For me that tweet sounds like "You haven't seen the best yet. We have a bomb prepared."

That store is into a world of hurt I imagine because if the rumour is true then FFG will likely roast them for the leak and if the rumour isnt true they wont be happy about hoaxing their products. Either way not good for them.

It still reads like a hybrid of Elder Sign and CoC card game no? for 1-2 players, unless you get another box?

I don't think it affects the AH boardgame at all...

Eh, the whole "LCG" thing never really appealed to me. Would MUCH rather get a digital version of Arkham Horror, unlikely as that is.

Looks like a number of the expansions for the current edition have just been reprinted, according to the upcoming page. (Namely, Miskatonic and Dunwich.)

If a new edition were in the works, I would expect the current edition to first go OOP and then give it a few months for merchants to move their existing stock.

Also, FFG has never been one to publish a new edition without having some serious improvements in mind. The game engine originally used by DooM 1e has seen a number of iterations now in other IPs, so I'm sure there are lots of new ideas to incorporate into the new DOOM 2e. MoM I haven't really been following as a franchise, but I assume there are significant changes there as well. By contrast, the only real complaint I hear about Arkham Horror concerns play time (and real estate) but neither of those are really serious gripes anyway, and not exactly unknown to FFG games in general :P

Edited by Steve-O

Runewars got a revised edition instead of a new edition.

It was some rules changes and a component downgrade.

Something similar could be done with AH.

Runewars got a revised edition instead of a new edition.

It was some rules changes and a component downgrade.

Something similar could be done with AH.

You're right, it's not impossible, but I think it's unlikely.

In the case of Runewars, I think the revised edition was mostly motivated by wanting to get rid of the plastic mountains. They were gimmicky. Also the huge box was 90% air, which was probably unnecessary expense for them and generating complaints from fans about how empty the box was. So, downsizing the box and getting rid of the mountains was a quick fix that likely had a big impact on their bottom line for that game.

Arkham Horror has been pretty stable for a long time now. I expect it will stay in its current form for as long as sales continue to justify it. When that drops off, maybe we'll see some movement around this title again... In the meantime, I have no problem experimenting with homebrew rules and enjoying an overall highly successful franchise as it is. :)