2016 dates?

By Malificant, in Arkham Nights

Is there any information regarding Arkham nights 2016 dates? I am looking to schedule some time off to try and attend and some dates would be helpful!


I email them each year now and it's pretty much always the same. I never find out the date until they announce it in September. This will be my fourth year attending, and I can't see why they wouldn't have it with the card game announced and mansions just getting a reboot, but for now it's a wait and see game.

Maybe they'll announce the next big box Eldritch Horror expansion, but will probably come out in January, no?

Well it seems they are closing the gap between announcements and release dates, which is nice. I'd like to be able to buy the new LCG there this year, and possibly the expansions for mansions v2 that gives you the v1 stuff (depending. I want to put my v1 stuff back in its old box and have them as two separate games. What I'm hoping is that the new tiles have the expansion symbols on them for quick sorting)

You've probably seen by now, but the dates are up (October 14-15) and preregistration is going!