San Diego players?

By Quadratus3, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Hey guys! I'm looking to get this game up and running in SD. Hope to find at least 3 more players who are at least kinda into the game. I was thinking we could have some kind of biweekly/monthly meet up at a game store that has open gaming or something like that... But I'll start planning it out more if I can find a few more players.

Spread the word! I'd really like to play this game more!

Hey Quadratus3,

I am just seeing this. Hit me up and let me know if you have got any further on finding SD players.

Hey Quadratus3,

I am just seeing this. Hit me up and let me know if you have got any further on finding SD players.

Gotcha, still haven't found much but I'm still looking...

We started a Facebook page for San Diego. Search for Star Wars lcg San Diego. It's a small start.