Why isnt order getting more respect?

By rulemonkey, in UFS General Discussion

With the additional of

Amaryllis Spin


3 difficulty 5 check +2 mid block

While this card is in your card pool all block modifiers get +2.

F: Your next attack gets +3 speed


Ostreinsberg Castle Throne Room

2 difficulty 4 check +2 low block


While this card is ready in your staging area all block modfiers get +2.

E commit: This attack gets -2

Does order now become top tier?

It seems pretty awesome to me.

Order did get a boost in the last set as a standalone symbol indeed.

Order got:

Discard: Yoshi support

Speed and increase block: Amy

From the older sets order also gets draw from astrid,hilde and Paul.

What's keeping order away from top tier atm, is that it requires some setup in order to kill, It is not like fire or life that simply play with whatever they have out atm. (atleast that is what fire does..)

I personally think that Order is a good resource if your dual resourcing decks especially Good and Fire, the synergy between good and order is awesome for control but fire is better for an aggresive deck..

Amarylis isnt as good as you might think though, although it can grant you big speed pumps in can also screw you over at the same time by making your blocks alot harder, with Not Human its good but, I prefer amy's sidestep, I tried amarylis spin but it hurt me more than helped me.

With Amy's sidestep and Ostreinsburg Castle Throne Room you looking at -4 potentially from 1 Amy's sidestep..

how does amy's sidestep and throne room equal -4?

sorry forgot to add with Not Human

my mistake

Nemesis said:

I personally think that Order is a good resource if your dual resourcing decks especially Good and Fire, the synergy between good and order is awesome for control but fire is better for an aggresive deck..

Amarylis isnt as good as you might think though, although it can grant you big speed pumps in can also screw you over at the same time by making your blocks alot harder, with Not Human its good but, I prefer amy's sidestep, I tried amarylis spin but it hurt me more than helped me.

With Amy's sidestep and Ostreinsburg Castle Throne Room you looking at -4 potentially from 1 Amy's sidestep..

Actually, the real beauty of Amarylis is the synergy it creates with The Ultimate Team. Those two combined grant any attack a veritable +4 or +5 damage pump. Pretty darn good imo.

Throw in Throne Room and it gets pretty stupid fairly quickly.

Agree with Rockstar Amaryllis spin + ostreinsburgcastle throne room makes ultimate team a +-4 minimum and that is very good.

Amy's Sidestep.. well I tried it, In a reversal based deck it was lovely since it cleared itself if you blocked with it, the speed and damage redux was so so but with sisters of battle out it did save my ass a few times..

Overall Amaryllis spin> Sidestep anyday

Mordai said:

Agree with Rockstar Amaryllis spin + ostreinsburgcastle throne room makes ultimate team a +-4 minimum and that is very good.

Amy's Sidestep.. well I tried it, In a reversal based deck it was lovely since it cleared itself if you blocked with it, the speed and damage redux was so so but with sisters of battle out it did save my ass a few times..

Overall Amaryllis spin> Sidestep anyday

No reason you have to run one over the other. Consider that the main purpose of Amy's Sidestep is to undo the effects of Throne Room or Amyrillis.

-3 speed means that the +2 block modifier and the +1 progressive difficulty cancel out, letting you block as if there wasn't anything in the card pool and as if you didn't have Throne Room ready. It also provides for instant Not Human fulfillment when needed.

Rather rely on together again or sisters of battle then. I hate getting to asset/action heavy. 4 or maximum 6 is what I can tolerate.

And also.. block with amaryllis and have throneroom out.. instant -6 from not human right there

Mordai said:

Rather rely on together again or sisters of battle then. I hate getting to asset/action heavy. 4 or maximum 6 is what I can tolerate.

And also.. block with amaryllis and have throneroom out.. instant -6 from not human right there

Order is arguably top tier, though I'd likely list it as the 5th best symbol (behind Fire, Life, Earth, and All). Order can now out-stall any symbol due to Throne/Amaryllis + The Ultimate Team, and thanks to Paul it has some instant cookie cutter aggro (if you so choose to run it that way).

Order finally stands out as its own symbol. Astrid can finally make it stand out from Fire (mm blocking with Raven's Claw, reversing with The Jesus Attack), and I think most Hilde players are starting to debate which symbol is best to run her off of.

I think it's getting plenty of respect. Just look at the two Amy threads: the majority consensus is that Order Amy is best.