I am amazed that a post on my local meetup gaming group yielded me 8 players willing to try WFRP. I will be dividing them into 2 groups of 4 players. We are doing char creation, both groups together, tomorrow, and truly, it will be my first time doing char creation as a group for WFRP. I plan to do random race & careers, and have a few items I'd love comments from experienced GMs:
1) Overall Mini-Campaign Concept:
My plan is to run a distinct mini-campaign with each group, but everything taking place in the Ubersreik-Bogenhafen area. It would allow me to easily build the world around them (and they can hear about each other exploits) and should too many players drop from one group or another, I can merge the groups in universe.
2) Careers Balance:
My main concern is what basic careers do I allow. Should I remove Ironbreaker, Waywatcher, Sword Master from the pool? Any other career that is too overpowered at the basic level?
I am considering letting the 3 careers above in the pool, but if drawn (and assuming race matches), explain to the player that he will not receive the full benefits (items) until completion of the career.
My second concern is whether I force distinct careers across both groups or only within a group. The challenge obviously is the limited number of career paths and actions should two players end-up with similar career.
3) Tips on how to do random races with 'acceptable' chance of ogre/elves/halfling in the mix?
I was thinking of two ways:
A) Random Race but Choose Region
Roll 4 white dices:
1 success -> Human only (Can choose region)
2 successes -> Human or Dwarf (Can choose region)
3 successes -> + Halfling
4 Successes -> + Elves/Ogres
# Success - Probability
1 -> 39.5%
2 -> 29.6%
3 -> 9.9%
4 -> 1.2%
This pretty much ensure I won't get Elves/Ogres, as I am not a fan of those races as playable in WFRP but still want to give a very small chance for coolness. Wonder whether I should allow them on 3 successes to get a little more racial mix
B) Random Race & Region
Roll 1d20
HUMAN: 1 - Averlander, 2 - Hochlander, 3 - Middenlander, 4 - Nordlander, 5 - Ostermarker, 6 - Ostlander, 7-8-9 - Reiklander, 10 - Stirlander, 11 - Talabeclander, 12 - Wissenlander,
DWARF: 12 - Barak Var, 13-14-15 - Karaz Azgaraz, 16 - Karaz-a-Karak, 17 - Zhufbar
OTHER: 18-19 - Hafling Moot, 20 - Ogre/Elves
Chances are higher for Ogre/Elves than above, but it makes up for not choosing regions.
Thoughts anyone?
Edited by Ceodryn