Xianghua Deck that does some funny things maybe?

By phlip45, in UFS Deck Building


Xianghua x 1


Robes of the Grandmaster x 1

Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight x 2


Cross Madness x 4

Rising Hilt x 3

Evil Sparrow x 2

Raging Gnome x 1

Razor's Bite x 4

Waterfall x 3

Tiao Wu Kick x 2

Howling Spirits x 1

Playful Slice x 1


Artificial Soul x 4

Deceptively Quick x 4

For The Money x 4

Genius Alchemist x 4

Researching the Past x 4

Researching Anywhere x 4

The Strength Within x 4

Hunt for Jin x 4

Torn Hero x 4

Purified Body x 3

Playful x 2

Note: There the reason the attacks are kind of strewn with 1 and 2 of cards is because I'm working with what I actually have.

So the aim of this deck is to power out foundations very fast by playing attacks that are very easy to pass and then set up a devastating Waterfall attack with tons of speed boost. You will probably want to go second in fact with this deck because you will likely attack as your first form in the hopes they do not block. (unless you are going against Amy). I will now explain some of the cool combos you can do with this.

Any attack -> Xianghua's R -> Researching Anywhere to draw more attacks.

Castle + Genius Alchemist/Researching Anywhere -> No progressive difficulty/Draw EVEN MORE attacks.

Weapon attack + Genius Alchemist + Playful Slice in the discard-> 5 costing Waterfall.

Gah, Didn't realize that defeated the rifle and the strength within were Fire only abilities.

I would switch those out defeated the rifle with deceptively quick. The Strength Within still serves as a speed boost so that is fine, but I then I need to replace Looking for a Thrill so I don't know what I should switch that out for. Right now I'll use purified body since I often have tons of attacks in my hand.