Enemies Within - The Brazier of Holy Fire

By Diagan, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I have a few of questions regarding this item;

1. Does the acolyte wielding the weapon gain the +10 to willpower tests?

2. When requisitioning ammo would you roll with availability based on the brazer or for a heavy flamer like it says that it uses?

3. When deactivated does it count as a low-tech weapon like force and power weapon?

4. If yes, which weapon stat block should be used?

Edited by Diagan

1. The wielder does not gain the Willpower test bonus.

2. You roll for ammo acquisition using the brazier's rarity. It counts as a heavy flamer when fired, but does not necessarily use the same ammunition. That said, I'd let a player refill the weapon with flamer fuel if they already had some on hand.

3 & 4. I believe you can treat it as a low tech weapon when the brazier is deactivated. When used in this way, it still uses the brazier's weapon profile but loses the Flame quality. I would also change the damage type to impact, as it is no longer on fire.