Play Mats

By Hupp234, in Wings of War

I like the Wings of War Game Mats, but like others, didn't care for how big the logos were at each end. I used fabric and sharpie marker coloring to camouflage them. Here is how it turned out. It took less than 30 minutes.


Looks pretty good!

Well, in retrospective should they just have included a sticker with the large Wow text on, maybe something worth considering for the next game mat? Then you can choose yourself to add text or not.

Since I am a tabletop maniac I prefer to use a map and add trees and stuff later (we have markers you put down when someone needs to fly over a tree or anything else), it looks cool but is a lot more work and money.

Nice job anyways.

Great job on the camo

To be honest, I never notice the logo on my maps when playing, and not one of the 20+ individuals who have played on them with me have ever commented about it.

Vey nice, I just received them for x-mas....the logos have not been an issue for me yet, but like many I would have prefered them to be a bit less.

Not bad! Not bad at all.