I finally got another mini...now how do I put her together? (Shinigami Ayl)

By StormKnight, in Anima: Tactics

Ok, I'm excited. I bought the two Anima Tactics starter sets last year with some spare Christmas money (money was tight). I got another four minis with playtesting credit from FFG. Then, months later when I finally decided to order another block of minis from the local game store, I got laid off that day and had to cancel the order. Dang.

So, I've been playing with the same eight minis ever since.

So I was very happy when the package of assorted gaming stuff my girlfriend got me for my birthday included Shinigami Ayl. Hurray! More characters to choose from! (And I think there are more on the way from her for Christmas...woo hoo!)

However, I'm a little unsure on assembling her, and there aren't any instructions.

And, halfway through posting this I did a search and found what looks like a good picture, so this may be irrelevant. But I still must share my happiness on getting another mini :)

So, it looks like the tail curves around the same side as the scythe, and the...err..blobby tentcle thing attaches to the peg on the tail? What the heck is that tentacly thing anyway?

She is the hardest figure in the game to assemble IMHO. It is the reason she was removed from the original Darkness Starter and replaces with Baal. Make sure you pin her tail and the "thing" comming off her back or they will fall off a lot. Now I have built a lot of figures from a lot of systems and she is not the hardest I have ever done, but she is right up there!