Which AO/GOO for Playtesting Investigators?

By Soakman, in General Discussion

Just curious.

I'm about to playtest a few of the investigators from my gallery and was curious which you would use for a generic playstest?

Without having to do many playthroughs with each investigator (for timeliness's sake), would you opt for the harder ones (Yig, Cthulhu, Hastur, Shub?) the easer ones (Yog, Elder Things), a GOO with a sideboard, or decide based on some other factor (clue heavy vs. gate heavy vs. combat heavy?).

Give me your thoughts! I'm likely playtesting my first game tomorrow, and whereas I want to make sure nothing is completely broken, my investigators are meant for players who want more variety, versatility, and new background stories. And being that they are difficult (for me) to edit, there may be some few wording inconsistencies on the version 1.0, but I do want them to be useable and fun. Hence the playtest.

Thank you guys!

You can't go wrong with Azatoth. It's the most streamlined of all.