Start/Home castles power icon

By Nazull, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

I have a question about start of castle for each house.

Normally when you move all of you units off of a castle and don't put down a power token u lose control of the castle as you have no power tokens or units there.

Is that the same for the start off castles as when you look at the map (2nd Ed) there is what looks like a power token printed on the map for each start of castle.?

Is that so that you can leave your home/start off castle and still own it.

Yes, there is a power icon printed on every start area for the 6 houses, which means that you can move all your units out of your home area and still keep control. Think of it as a permanent free power token.


I just found it saying that in the rule book.

going over it again and again. finding new things each time. :)