Show me your Tokens

By Smaeks, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Hi guys ,

I bought myself few new X wing Tokens which i wanna show to you.

And i would like to see your preferred Tokens .

Do you still use the original Paper Tokens or did you upgrade to some metal and glass Tokens like me ?

Custom-made ?

Show your stuff here.



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These are rather pretty.

I personally still use the paper ones, I don't play that often, sadly, so they are still quite well.
Furthermore those custom Tokens tend to cost more than I'm willing to pay for them, so I'll have to keep using the paper ones and buy new stuff once they start dissolving :D

I still use the cardboard tokens for the most part. But I gloss-coat them and color the edges with a sharpie so they look a lot less "cardboardy". I did buy a set of custom tokens for Elite Pilot Talen and Droid actions though.