[Podcast] Run Last Click

By Milk_Jester, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

In this episode we are joined by Alice Rees, Birmingham regionals winner, to discuss The Liberated Mind. What a noble path we have set for ourselves. With an emptied mind we can go into this podcast free from the burdens of the world outside. Rising out of the ashes like the Netrunner card Out of the Ashes to rebirth into... a turning wheel of waivers and... vanilla ice is here with his latest single. Not to be missed probably!

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by friend Lane to discuss the final data pack of the Mumbad Cycle, Fear the Masses. They ask themselves the question: Should all masses be feared? A mass of spiders? Certainly. But a mass of cake or puppies? In the first of several sarcastically boring lectures, we attempt to show there is more nuance to this statement than this data pack would have you believe.

Also a new competition is announced!

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we have it all going on. We are joined by Seamus (Scottish Regionals Winner) and Dave Hoyland (Worlds Top 3) to discuss the recent MWL additions and subtraction. But wait! There's more! We also chat about the state of Wayland and Criminal at the end of the Mumbad Cycle and what we hope to get from the Flashpoint Cycle. A show so packed it's at least an hour.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by Lane and Cathy to discuss the first post MWL2 tournament, Reading Regional, but also the newest data pack 23 Seconds. Which name refers to an incident where Titan's firewalls dropped for 23 seconds. Of course meaning runners had 23 seconds to go and therefore 23 seconds to flow.

(P.S. If you have never heard the UK Garage classic 21 Seconds To Go you are A. Missing out and B. Likely be confused by what just happened.)

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are using all our deck building might to create lists for people who have just a core set and want to expand their collection. The brief? Create a deck list using one core set and 4 data packs or 2 data packs and 1 deluxe expansion. We also get some help from the very lovely Krystian and Jesse and Nels who give us the skinny on the decks they made.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by the pilot of the most successful Biotech deck the world has ever seen, Simon Castle (11th at UK Nats)! Together we ask what's the bloody deal with this new bloody pack Blood Money? Will the conversation come freely or will it be like getting blood from a stone? *Please now insert your own sentence involving blood... and maybe involving vampires.* Too bloody right that person!

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by the brains, arms, legs, hair and teeth behind the Dead Channel podcast Johno and Joey. We'll have a chat about the current UK tournament scene, why not? And play a fun game for cool people called Sales Team, my goodness! Then it stops and you'll have to make your own fun after that.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode our heroes are joined by the founders and admins of the Women of Netrunner Facebook group, Kat and Alexis. We talk about their experience of setting up the group and their thoughts on making the community more inclusive. Also we follow that up with a chat about drafting as we did one of those recently.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by Lane to discuss the newest data pack which is named after metal stairs that ascend you out of train stations in Europe and possibly other places. Seems a bit odd but there you go... wait... it's -tion not -ors isn't it... Well I'm not writing this again.

PSA: We are going to Worlds so for a while the usual release schedule is out the window! We are doing recordings while there but between travelling and not knowing how much work the audio will need episodes are going to be sporadic. I'll try and keep you updated via the social medias. Hopefully it will be worth the extra wait. Lots of love, Chris x

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by friend Lane to discuss Intervention. Which is a new expansion or "Data Pack" for a card game called Android: Netrunner - The Card Game, produced by Fantasy Flight Games. The rules for Netrunner were designed by Richard Garfield after visiting the ruins of Babylon; the subterranean secret of Memphis and spending ten years alone in the great southern desert of Arabia which (as we all know) is held to be inhabited by protective evil spirits and monsters of death.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by the fine fellow of Terminal7, Nels and Jesse. And what fine bed fellow they do make. Together we all journey into the past using only the power of their minds to discuss the bygone era of 2016. Was Lucas’ last cycle Mumbad or Mumgood? Was Damons first cycle Flash-on point or Flash-not quite as on point as we would have liked? Did the MWL do all we had hoped? All this and slightly more!

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by friend Lane to discuss Martial Law. And Chris didn’t write a proper description on the way home like he normally does on a Monday. He was playing iPhone games instead so this meta narrative will have to do instead. Oh well. Maybe Chris will try harder next time.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.

In this episode we are joined by friend Lane to talk about the exciting conclusion to the Flashpoint cycle, Quorum. As with all season finales we're expecting conclusions to story lines such as: Was Omar right all along? Were the rumours true about Jackson Howard? Will Smoke win enough money with vape tricks to save the rec centre? Maybe we should just hope for the cliffhanger to not be too suspenseful.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.


In this episode we are joined by Ben Ni (Worlds number 2) for a cool and sexy look at deck building. All the hithertos and whyfores you could ever need on the subject. Should you spend your influence sensibly? Yes! Can ICE be a good include in a deck? Of course! Can you swap out card sleeves for jam and the cards for bread? Yes but that is just a big sandwich.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.


In this episode we are joined by former lead designer of Netrunner Damon Stone. We chat about his thoughts on games design, how he approached the Flashpoint cycle, as well as what he thinks makes a well made card. TLDR: We talk about design and that.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.


In this episode we are joined by friend Lane to discuss the cards and that in Daedalus Complex. And that's all the description you need or probably require. I don't know why I think these things need long descriptions. It's a bit of a waste of everyone's time really. And time is precious. It will be night soon and you could be out, setting up nets to catch those thieves that stole from the king!

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.


In this episode we are joined by Seamus and Dave "Get in the Bin" Hoyland for the follow up to July 2016's smash hit Episode 61: The State of Weyland and Criminal - Part 1. At the beginning of the Flashpoint Cycle both players wrote down a list of five things they wanted to see for the cycle to improve their respective factions. Now we crack the wax on the sealed envelope and go through those lists.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.


In this episode we are joined by friend Lane to discuss the Station One data pack as well as the latest updates to the MWL. For those pressed for time here is the objective summary of the episode: some cards were added to the MWL, some cards were taken off and the new data pack has cards that are playable in the game of Netrunner.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.


In this episode we are joined by the new Lead Designer of Netrunner Michael Boggs to talk about the recently released MWL. Also discussed are bikes, shoes, favourite dinosaurs, how many ping pong balls we all own and how descriptions of podcasts aren’t always accurate.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.


In this episode we are joined by Alex White and Don Bowden to discuss life, love and the pursuit of happiness vis-à-vis Netrunner. We chat about post MWL tournaments; some quick thoughts on the new Terminal Directive cards and the benefits of playing with your friends... who like you enough to call you stupid.

Adult language if you care about that sort of thing.
