Repainted my first ship

By Nevetz, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

Hey there!

I decided to uniform my fleet and came out with this model. Nothing too fancy, I'd like to add some details but I'm still unsure.




I dig the dark pallete and yellow windows! Good color choice on that one.

Looks good to me, mate. Only thing I could say is if you want delineation you could add a light ink wash to the recesses of the 'wings' where they join the body to make it more evident. But there's a lot of talk on the more scaled models with little delineation (thanks to the Rogue One trailer) and this is a good example for that too. It looks like a proper destroyer rather than one that's gone for repairs in a half dozen different shipyards (like FFG's base model). What did you have planned for details?

Good pictures by the by, well done. :)

Edited by Vykes

Looks good to me, mate. Only thing I could say is if you want delineation you could add a light ink wash to the recesses of the 'wings' where they join the body to make it more evident. But there's a lot of talk on the more scaled models with little delineation (thanks to the Rogue One trailer) and this is a good example for that too. It looks like a proper destroyer rather than one that's gone for repairs in a half dozen different shipyards (like FFG's base model). What did you have planned for details?

Good pictures by the by, well done. :)

I don't know. I love the red on the Empire ships, and in general the Royal Guard. So maybe something like small red details with some highlights to blend them with the drybrushed plates


Don't be afraid to go BOLD...

Even taking what I've done,and drybrushing the appropriate highlight on it, would work *fantastically* with the Darker basetone.

All of this is beautiful work! My compliments to both artists!