Witch Hunter Reload

By FezDaBrute, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

The Witch Hunter Reload says "Ready this action and up to 3 of your other actions". Don't all the old heroes say "Ready all actions" or something along those lines? Does that sound like they are setting it up to allow for more actions in the future, or am I just clinging to some hope that they will offer larger expansions in the future?

The Witch Hunter Reload says "Ready this action and up to 3 of your other actions". Don't all the old heroes say "Ready all actions" or something along those lines? Does that sound like they are setting it up to allow for more actions in the future, or am I just clinging to some hope that they will offer larger expansions in the future?

The important part is not the "3", it's the "up to". Because of the Witch Hunter's mechanics readying an action can sometimes be detrimental so they wanted to give you the option to not do so.

Yep, that makes total sense. My optimism was getting ahead of logic.