Hey Guys, what do you think of playing WoC adventure from Winds of Magic with non-magical characters? I mean there is a witch among them (our party), but none of the characters has magic sight ability and none of them is member of any of the magic colleges. Is it possible to play it like that? What changes (apart from the introduction) do I have to consider to allow my group to solve the mystery of Ogasse district?
Winds of Change for non-magical characters
I think it's possible, when we played through it we did not use Magical Sight at all during the adventure. We had a Wizard (celestial), but during the adventure we did not rely much on any abilities the wizard had. So basically you can probably run the scenario as it is, and just change the introduction. You could have a similar introduction, but the wizard collage hires the group as an outside team of investigators instead.
Thank you very much, I feel encouraged
we will see how it goes during the weekend. How many sessions do you think this adventure should last? 1-2?
I distinctly remember our burgher character uncovering the conspiracy by asking the cult leader repetitive, annoying questions until he(meaning "I") cast soul drain in his big stupid face.
He was found later in the campaign with his throat slit in a back ally.