Total n00b questions about 2nd edition

By flightmaster101, in General Discussion

Hello all,

I've played some 1st editions AGOT LCG, and for that reason have been hesitant to get into the 2nd edition. So I got rid of all my 1st ed stuff. Well wouldnt you know it I got my girl into the show, and amazingly now interested in playing the game! :D So I have 1 core set and if she likes it enough she said she might get interested into customizing decks and deck building.
I know all about the old Lanni kneel, Stark Siege, Targ burn, Martell vengance, etc stuff. What i have no idea about is what the families do now. So my question is:

What is each house good at? What are the archetypes and play styles I want to present so she will hopefully match her play style to a deck archetype and have more fun?


From North to South:

Night's Watch is a defensive deck built around using The Wall to gain power.

Stark is about denying you the use of your cards, and synergy with its own cards.

Greyjoy seeks advantages from unopposed challenges

Lannister has the most cost-effective characters, and has subthemes of chance and Ambushing characters into play.

Tyrell is about strength-boosting

Baratheon is the 2.0 kneel faction

Martell is about vengeance and removing icons to control challenges

Targaryen is the only faction so far with terminal strength penalties (burn)