Does this game need tournament software?

By Killerardvark, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Hey Organized Play folks! I'm not really familiar with this game, but I'm going around asking if there is a need for software to run events. I wrote Cryodex for X-Wing and have recently expanded it for Armada and Imperial Assault. I built it to be easily expandable to other games and I'm now ready to onboard any game that is in need of software.

So a couple questions if you think your game could use it...

Can you give me a simple run down of the tournament rules/structure?

Is it similar to other FFG formats that I've already implemented?

Any special requirements your game would need?

Also, shameless plug... I've put together a little GoFundMe to get a new coding machine so I can keep doing this quickly and efficiently. If you're able to help, hurray. If not, I still appreciate the support. Check it out!

Considering this game has ended - No. You might want to post in the AGoT 2 forum.

But...but it's a LIVING card game, lol.

Thanks for the update!

But...but it's a LIVING card game, lol.

And after 10 years it caught its 2nd wind.