Welcome to Jurassic Park!

By Engine25, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Commissioned this awesome repaint from a painting buddy at Model Magic Studios . We spared no expense.

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That's awesome.

That's awesome.

Proud owner.

Very nice! My only advice would be to use a micron pen or something to darken the panel lines. The lines and recesses in the grey and purple areas are shaded, but the lack of such shading in the green or yellow areas makes those parts catch the eye, and not in a good way. Aside from that, this looks fantastic!

That looks Superb.

fits in well with the Scum Universe.

can just Imagine a Pet Raptor in the cargo hold !

All the best,


I need this.

In my life.

Right now.

I agree with all of the above compliments and appreciate your description (when I clicked on the thread, I was prepared to ask if you had spared any expense), but would caution against posting work that is from another company's IP (right? the Mouse doesn't own JP?). We think this was the reason the old painting subforum was shut down, and don't want to see it happen again.