VT-49 SF Decimator ([wip] other Decimator re-paints welcomed!)

By Oberron, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Here is what I've been working on the past week, comments, and critique welcomed please be in mind that these are still wip and that I still need to clean up some spots. 20160606_005612.jpg 20160606_005632.jpg 20160606_005649.jpg

Glad you started this thread, being looking around for inspiration to do a #2 scheme when I can find one cheap! ;)

ive contemplated painting mine to look like an oversized tie fighter (basically paint the "wings" to have the black solar panel look). I really need to shake this "i dont wanna paint" mood ive been in lately. Sole reason i dont do commissions is because sometimes i dont feel like painting for a good 2-3 months.

ive contemplated painting mine to look like an oversized tie fighter (basically paint the "wings" to have the black solar panel look). I really need to shake this "i dont wanna paint" mood ive been in lately. Sole reason i dont do commissions is because sometimes i dont feel like painting for a good 2-3 months.

I saw someone mod their VT with the wings from the raider corvette and it looked pretty snazzy. Of course that is quite pricy to do

I'll upload my buddy's version of chirpy that he did mostly with Sharpie, it turned out really good. Much better than I thought it would with markers.

Here it is!
