Signature Wargear, Being a Salamander, and the "Right Gear for the Job" Deed

By Vulkan He''stan, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

I know the awkwardness of Signature War Gear talents has been explained a bunch of times, but I haven't gotten a clear answer on how it applies with the Deed "Right Gear for the Job" on page 85 of RoB. My character is also going to be a Salamander Tactical Marine. Here are my questions.

1) If I am reading it right the Deed allows me to take any of the Wargear listed AS IS listed and I can only upgrade it with acquistion of a new talent. I'm considering either a Combi-Flamer or a Power Sword. If I take this deed, will I need to take the basic Signature Wargear Talent or Signature Wargear (Master)?

2) If I go with my Salamander Tactical Marine, is it possible to have up to 3 pieces of Signature Wargear (basic level) at Rank 1? This is between the above mentioned Deed, The General Space Marine Advance at Rank 1, and the Salamanders' Chapter Advances.

Your confusion is understandable. The wording is too subtle/unclear.

Excerpted (with a bit of paraphrasing/format changes for clarity) from Rites of Battle :



Speciality: Tactical Marine


Apply all of the following changes to your character:

Talents: The Character gains the benefit of the Signature Wargear Talent, with the following modifications . Choose one piece of gear from the following list:

1. Flamer
2. Combi-Flamer (Respected)
3. Hand Flamer
4. Plasma Pistol (Respected)
5. Astartes Shotgun
6. Astartes Sniper Rifle
7. Astartes Chainsword
8. Astartes Power Sword (Respected)
9. Best-craftsmanship Scout Armour
10. Astartes Combat Shield (Distinguished)

This piece of Wargear must be selected at character generation and does not change unless the Signature Wargear Talent is received again. Note that the item's Renown requirements do not apply.

I (as a GameMaster) would rule that Right Gear for the Job Deed does NOT add another Signature Wargear Talent, but rather it REPLACES the one you get at Rank 1 from the General Space Marine Advances, but with the Deed requirement of being a Tactical Marine.

The restrictions are:

~ a. Choices of gear are limited to the list.

~ b. The chosen gear cannot be further improved at initial selection because the Deed overwrites the 20 Requsition point value of basic Signature Wargear Talent. Notice how gear option #9 (scout armour) includes "Best-craftmanship" quality, but not for any other of the gear options for craftsmanship, which means the other gear is at "standard" craftsmanship.

The benefits are:

~ a. Bypasses the Renown requirements for the gear on the list. (Getting Respected+ gear at Rank 1)

~ b. The chosen gear can be later improved with the application of higher-tier Signature Wargear Talents (such as Master and Hero), or changed out (& improved) for a different gear option; however, you are still limited to the list from Right Gear for the Job Deed for the upgraded gear.

You are correct that you get additional oppurtunities for investing in Signature Wargear Talent(s), if they come for separate sources, such as being a Salamander or later Advanced Specialities.

So overall, a Salamander Tactical Marine at (character creation) Rank 1 could have two (2) pieces of Signature Wargear, with one of them being modified by Right Gear for the Job Deed, and possibly improved further with the Salamander's Artificer Talent later-on.

~ #1 - Right Gear for the Job Deed (overwriting General Space Marine Advances: Signature Wargear) = 400 XP

~ #2 - Salamander Advances: Signature Wargear = 500 XP

Though spending 900/1000 XP at character creation for two pieces of gear might be hefty...

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Hope this helps.

Edited by pendrake71

Notice how gear option #9 (scout armour) includes "Best-craftmanship" quality, but not for any other of the gear options.

And this proves that deed description hasn't been cheked. Best-craftmanship doesn't exist in Deathwatch.

@ Jargal ...

I am assuming you mean the editor(s) &/or proofreader(s) for Rites of Battle , and not me (for checking the Deed). For I wrote directly from the Rites of Battle book itself for the "Quote" portion, but re-arranging its format for better clarity since the entry for Right Gear For The Job Deed was crammed together in very small space upon the book-page.

And yes, I am aware of the "Best craftmanship" for other WH40K RPG-products (such as Dark Heresy or Rogue Trader) versus "Master crafted" for Deathwatch-specific RPG. Regardless, the meaning/function/effect is the same.

Edited by pendrake71

Yes I meant FFG staff.

The point is that current description is unclear and likely isn't a final version. Your explanation is possible, but I can't see anything in description that would prohibit the opposite view.

I know the awkwardness of Signature War Gear talents has been explained a bunch of times, but I haven't gotten a clear answer on how it applies with the Deed "Right Gear for the Job" on page 85 of RoB. My character is also going to be a Salamander Tactical Marine. Here are my questions.

1) If I am reading it right the Deed allows me to take any of the Wargear listed AS IS listed and I can only upgrade it with acquistion of a new talent. I'm considering either a Combi-Flamer or a Power Sword. If I take this deed, will I need to take the basic Signature Wargear Talent or Signature Wargear (Master)?

2) If I go with my Salamander Tactical Marine, is it possible to have up to 3 pieces of Signature Wargear (basic level) at Rank 1? This is between the above mentioned Deed, The General Space Marine Advance at Rank 1, and the Salamanders' Chapter Advances.

I'd say the deed's gear is in additional to any signature wargear talents you may pick up later. I'd allow it for a Salamander player but I've never had a player look up this exact combination.