I know the awkwardness of Signature War Gear talents has been explained a bunch of times, but I haven't gotten a clear answer on how it applies with the Deed "Right Gear for the Job" on page 85 of RoB. My character is also going to be a Salamander Tactical Marine. Here are my questions.
1) If I am reading it right the Deed allows me to take any of the Wargear listed AS IS listed and I can only upgrade it with acquistion of a new talent. I'm considering either a Combi-Flamer or a Power Sword. If I take this deed, will I need to take the basic Signature Wargear Talent or Signature Wargear (Master)?
2) If I go with my Salamander Tactical Marine, is it possible to have up to 3 pieces of Signature Wargear (basic level) at Rank 1? This is between the above mentioned Deed, The General Space Marine Advance at Rank 1, and the Salamanders' Chapter Advances.