As Swift as the Wind

By Buggernaut, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Is it possible to use the White Scars solo mode ability "As Swift as the Wind" in conjunction with ranged psychic abilities?

The ability is stated as follows : As Swift as the Wind Type: Active Required Rank: 1 Effects: The White Scars are renowned for their lightning assaults, their attacks delivered with precise timing and intense focus, unleashing their fury against the enemy and then withdrawing to prepare for another attack from a different direction. After making a ranged attack, a successful Challenging (+0) Agility Test (or Drive or Pilot Test, if operating a vehicle) allows the Battle-Brother to make a standard Half Move (or move half his vehicle’s Tactical Speed, rounding up) as a Free Action. The character may only make this move once per Round.

Edited by Buggernaut

As you quote, it apply only to ranged attack. "Focus Power" action is not an attack, it has "concentration" subtype.