"Adeptus Mechanicus Only" Availability?

By TheWorldSmith, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Does my Tech-Priest have to make an Inquiry Test? Is it affected by Tables 5-4 and 5-5 (Availability by Population & Availability and Time)?

Does it mean that if I can pay the cost, it's available, assuming there's a Peer (Mechanicus) nearby?

What does the title indicate/mean, mechanically? (No pun intended.) As none of my group, nor the GM, have any idea beyond what we've been houseruling so far.

Edit: This question applies to Tech-Priest Only too! ^.^

Edited by TheWorldSmith

By RAW it means that only member of Adeptus Mechanicus can access to such items (and he must be able to pay the cost, too). GM can demand Inquiry Test or not according to situation. Peer (AM) don't make you tech-priest, so, by RAW, don't allow you to bye "AM only" things.

By RAW it means that only member of Adeptus Mechanicus can access to such items (and he must be able to pay the cost, too). GM can demand Inquiry Test or not according to situation. Peer (AM) don't make you tech-priest, so, by RAW, don't allow you to bye "AM only" things.

For sure about the Peer (AM) - I more meant about having an AM facility nearby that could make the implantation.

But does it mean anything in terms of availability, in relation to the Inquiry Test? By RAW, which step should it be considered as? Or is the Inquiry Test not included in RAW, and the item freely available as long as the cost can be paid?

Or is the Inquiry Test not included in RAW, and the item freely available as long as the cost can be paid?

Test is included for all items, but in the tables 5-3/5-4/5-5 you won't find "AM only", so it's up to GM.

Or is the Inquiry Test not included in RAW, and the item freely available as long as the cost can be paid?

Test is included for all items, but in the tables 5-3/5-4/5-5 you won't find "AM only", so it's up to GM.

Righio. Thanks!