Custom and painted 4th faction ships

By Lycia, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Way before they reveal the third faction, i was already dreaming of one, not exactly the one they did but a faction that both the empire and the new republic had good reason to fight... with a specific way to play.

that was the Yuuzhan Vongs.

Here is the first born of the project : the Yorik Et (Corral skipper)

As you can see i've done 2 color scheme here, a greenish squadron and a purple one. dispite the white background, the pictures are a bit darker than it should, i'm sorry, i'm not a pro at taking pictures :P

than i got the Yoric Vec.



this one slightly smaller than the falcon, but he is a freaking monster he's discribed as beeing able to fight some bigger ships... in fact he can shoot at 360 arround him but he also have a huge canon (his mouth) wich can fire some torpedo magmatic like amunitions that will deal a lot of damages and, if he's not as agile as the yorik Et, he can still dodge better than you think and take way more damages than the others small vong ships.

the last one (soo far) and probably my favorite ship is the Yorik Akaga



this one is described like an escort starfight able to move quickly in a position. no specificly know fire power.

i've some custom rules for the yorik et, but i'm looking for somewhere where i can build their dial before sharing all of that stuff.

Anyway, i see them that way : as vong ships move base on the micro singularities of the dovin bassal wich is also their defensive systhem... doing a red manoeuvre has to be more punishing than just a stress while doing green manoeuvre allow the pilote to focus on dodging.

=> the Yorik-Et have an agility of 1 and a hull value of 2 (no shields) for a minimum cost of 21 points (for the 3 pilote value ship), expensive and fragile ! but they have some rules that change everything... in fact, the base cost is 17 but you must buy a dovin bassal wich have 2 effects (and it start at 4 points => 21 points).

the first effect is that depending on the manoeuvre your reveal (Don't get ionized!) you gain +1, +2 or +3 to your agility value (red, white, green) soo you might want to avoid mooving too much... but this might also make your dial more predictible.

Another feature of the vong ships is that they are quite vulnerable to ennemies firing on them at the same time as the can generate only 1 micro singularity. to represent this, i give them a yuuzhan vong only elite upgrade that work like the recoon specialist, do an evade action, receive 2 evade focus.

Great work! The Yoriks are well done and look as organic as they should.

NJO is one of my favourite book series.

Btw: I'm building 1/12300 capital ships. Rebellion, New Republic and Vong-War era and my plans are about to reach the Vong ships. It would be interesting for me, to know how made the fighters :)

well, i 3D printed them. I asked someone to do the models for me and he was kind enough to do soo...

Also i took a low quality plastic called "black strong & flexible" that cost less but have a rough surface compared to a more detailled and smooth surface like the "Ultra frosted details".

But i think that this rough aspect is giving the "corral" aspect of the starfighter.

Cost me 5.93€ for one Yorik Et (would have been 15.05 if ultra frosted), 9.36 for the Akaga and 19.92 for the Vec

By the way, i finally found the tools i needed to make the dial, soo i could start sharing the rules if there's some interested people, but i'm not sure this is the right place.

when you say 1/12300 this is armada size ? I'm interested to see what you're doing :)

Edited by Lycia

well, i 3D printed them. I asked someone to do the models for me and he was kind enough to do soo...

Also i took a low quality plastic called "black strong & flexible" that cost less but have a rough surface compared to a more detailled and smooth surface like the "Ultra frosted details".

But i think that this rough aspect is giving the "corral" aspect of the starfighter.

Cost me 5.93€ for one Yorik Et (would have been 15.05 if ultra frosted), 9.36 for the Akaga and 19.92 for the Vec

By the way, i finally found the tools i needed to make the dial, soo i could start sharing the rules if there's some interested people, but i'm not sure this is the right place.

when you say 1/12300 this is armada size ? I'm interested to see what you're doing :)


1/12300 isn't Armada. It's much smaller than Armada. I made/make them for Full Thrust :)

From left to right:

Upper row: Nebulon B2 - Star Galleon - Carrack Cruiser - Strike-Class Medium Cruiser - Nebulon B - MC40a Cruiser - MC30 Frigatte - Quasar Fire Bulk Carrier - Escort Carrier - Majestic Cruiser - Victory Star Destroyer - MC80a "Wingless" - MC80a Liberty

Lower row: Hapan Nova-Class Cruiser - Hapan Beta Class Cruiser - CR90 Corvett - Marauder Corvett - Lancer Frigatte - Mobquet Medium Transport - DP20 Corellian Gunship - Sentinel Landing Craft - Neutron Star Bulk-Cruiser - Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser - Enforcer Cruiser - Assault Frigatte MK I




And the Allegiance Battlecruiser and a Imperial I/II Class Star Destroyer ^_^

Edited by RougeLeader

That's kinda of funny, I have been talking about them making Yuuzhan Vong for about a year or so. I think it would be silly nuts; those ships put a serious hurt into the New Republic.

The fact is their ability to take off the shields is a huge things making xwing not that resistant. and even if they can be blown up in a nice shot, their ability to absorb attacks is incredible

Really nice job with those, looks just like ffg. Also, is it just me or did that second one look like a falcon tank from 40k?