Green Squadron A-wing. Never painted before in my life

By Iski19, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Here is my first attempt at an entire squadron. I didn't want the Rebels to have nice shiny ships.. I was going for the constantly running missions or running from the Empire.


Those look great! Well done!

You've taken your first steps....into a larger world.

A-wings are so fun to paint. Great color choices.

Very cool!

The only thing I would add is that the cockpits need a little pizazz!

This picture is a good, not only because of the sheer number of A-Wings, but because it can illustrate a point. The dark green and yellow A-Wing, see his viewscreen? It looks dull in comparison to the others because of the glare from the light. But this is great because it shows you what you need to do to brighten up those windshields! (Are they still windshields if they're on a spaceship?)

Take a little white or even better gray paint and put it on your palette. Thin it down so it just barely wants to stay where you put it, like skim milk as opposed to cream. Then take a nice fine brush, like the one you used for the details, and put a squiggly line on that sucker! That's right. A squiggly line! When it dries, the paint should have been thin enough that it left a discernible but not overpowering wisp of gray. Do this a few more times in random strokes over the first swipe and withing a few passes you should have a suitably feathered looking lens flare on your windscreeen/spacescreen.

Awesome idea, thanks for the feedback and tip. I've seen it before but was never sure how it was done. Will have to try it after the weekend

very well done for a first try... i bet the green and red one was the first one you did ? it feel a bit rough (like you put twice more paint)