Got an old .eon reader?

By Capitaine Costaud, in Fan Creations


I've recently gotten my hands on a copy of The Sea of Horror fan expansion (Thanks again, Julia!). It's an older expansion, and therein lies my problem: I can't read it. The most recent .eon reader tells me that the files I've got are too old. I can't find older versions of the software.

Does anyone know of a Strange Eons version archive? Does anyone have an older version of Strange Eons lying around? Or, better yet: does anyone have a high-res version of the expansion?

Thanks in advance!

I don't know if The licence is still following this board; you may want to send him a PM with this very question, and I'm sure he'll help. Otherwise ask on bgg, it's much a more active board than this one :)

You can read the files in a text editor. copy them first and then open them in something like notepad++. Can't help with the images, but you can reconstruct most everything else.

Jake, I think the OP wants to print the material directly from source. So, I'm sure Thelric has some options to help him doing so. Still, he's not logging in since last October; so, I'd suggest the OP to check

Thelric's profile

and PM him the question; Chris (Thelric) is a superfriendly guy who always helped everyone, so, I'm sure he'll do what possible to help

Thanks for the advice! Julia's right, Jake: I want to straight print it. I'll email Thelric.

Thanks again!