Rate this character out of 10: The Dread Knight?

By kain7th, in Talisman



Well, warhorse is a good start. But you usually lose it in the first couple of rounds and then spend your next ten turns trying to land on the graveyard.

If he manages to survive for any length of time he usually ends up quite strong but usually he ends up a dead knight instead.

And if woodland fate rules are in play he's even more of a joke.

Probably a 2 or 3, but as he looks cool on the board I'll give him a 4. :)

He should have more fate to counter the fact that he is only S:2 C:3; or he should be S:3 or C:4 at the start.

Gaining spells for defeating enemies while still getting to keep trophies is very nice.


He is awful. One of the worst characters in the game. And as mentioned, he looks way too cool to be such a putz. He should get more fate...our group gave him a 4 to start and he is still meh. 2/10

Edited by JediKnightAmoeba

He is awful. One of the worst characters in the game. And as mentioned, he looks way to cool to be such a putz. He should get more fate...our group gave him a 4 to atart and he is still meh. 2/10

Here here

I don't know I've won often with him. Mind you I think the other players where 'giggling' to much at my character selection... Well until I moved into the Inner with 20 strength.

But yes overall not great. One of these "WOW a warhorse" character but when playing its "mumble mumble" crap special rules :) .

3 out of 10

I personally feel there was a lot of wasted potential here, he could have been sooo much better, but he's really just a meh character as is

3 out of 10. Hate having to stay around the graveyard first quarter of the game.

4/10. He's very well balanced, but yeah, a bit crap.

Edited by Jack Naples