First read here
Here are all the clues:
Ive recently built a one attack controll deck that is pretty amazing and has only lost twice
no its not fury of the ancients
no there are 4 copys of that one attack.
as for the rest of the talk.its not zei mei,and i deal with kilik with a tiny foundation that stops enhances on cards that i name.very good card
The foundation in question is Valued but Not trusted. The last clue gave away 50 percent of the deck construction. It tells us that the character has to be able to play either death, earth, or void. The next thing we can tell is that the deck has a history. It most likely was built before quest for souls. So those cards are most likely in the deck. Next we have a character limitation and an attack limitation in the first 2 clues.
When one looks at the symbol limitation and the idea that the deck is an control deck it could be possible to rule out earth. Most of earth’s control comes only from rashotep. Death on the other hand gets Rashoteps cards and other strong control characters. When we looked at void we see an overlap with characters who also have death. Algol is the only void character that could 1 shot but his character specific card that could do it requires a combo. This makes me think that is not it. So we are back to death which has the highest level of control. Chaos is put in there because my assumption is Zhao Daiyu. ZD can do damage without attacking. Built to damage negate and trickery she could last to turn 4 even against Hilde.
The purpose of this:
The reason the game cycled all those cards was to avoid what is being implied to existing. The deck is made by a solid player and is in the top fiver players of UFS. Even if we get a rough construction of the deck we know what needs to be erratad or banned. That or we will have to institute a minimum attack requirement. If we can reconstruct or make a facimile we can start making counter tech. I have no personal beef with Otaku. But I think his deck design concept shouldn’t exist in the game. If what is implied is true then it will force revert the game back to how it was and kill it. So this is done to save the game from the future cancer of the deck, not the person.
Death foundations
Cursed blood: Can get more foundation in play or destroy opponents foundations.
Dead for One Thousand Years
Lives for Battle: heal
Covenant Elder
Distracting Taunt
Flexible Body
Her Own Agenda: momentum drain
Ka Technique
Mesmerizing Dance: unblockable attack
Might Makes Right: make sure your attack can’t be damage reduced.
Perfect Sense of Balance
Stoic Assassin: know whats coming next turn.
Sworn to Protect: block recycling
G-Corp Leader: triggers lives for battle heal. Get back key control cards to be replayed.
Values but not trusted: Enhance hate.
The Twilight Witch: asset hate before it can be protected
Tower of Souls: get key foundation in hand.
Vengeance: possible addition not guranteed. But it does work since you would always have the edge when it came to foundations.
War Between Sisters: this card is played on your opponents turn to limit how much they can setup and attack you.
Professional Bodyguard: damage reduction and pops a block so ti can be reused with sworn to protect.
Intolerant of Failure: takes care of opponents enhance canceling cards.
Chaos foundations
Ancient Fighting Style: deal with discard decks and effects especially to fight Finicial troubles.
Chasing After the Power: used to block a fast attack like hilde.
Dread Pirate: makes sure you get your attack just incase it is revealed if your kill card has a 2 check.
For the Money: Block support.
Mishima Zaibatsu Leader: momentum drain. Good block.
Seeking Treasure: block and asset gain.
Temporary Being: get out a key card for kill turn.
Chaos assets and action cards
Ascending Zephyr: zone change.
Autumn's Kiss: add multiple 2 to a three damage or less card. You need another way to pump multiple rating.
Claws of Chian Tang: zone change manipulation to get stat pumps.
Devil Gene: Stop enhances
Invoking the Ancients: if Zhao is character then use this card.
Ritual Magic: Additoinal cards that are RFG. Benefits with Zhao
Soul Stealing: stun response so you can block.
The Devil Within: stun throw control. Also it makes them take damage.
Death actions and assets
Berserker Rage: damage pump.
KNEEL BEFORE ME!: Foundation hate.
Proficient Sniper: key card hate.
Sa, Symbol of Protection: more damage reduction
Stormhammer: damage pump
Tekken Forces: various potential depending on the build.
With that said there are a short list of culprits of who could be played. One may say that I didn’t list the attack. Well that is for several reason. The first is that it could be anything. The second thing is that built right almost any attack would be a kill condition. I do figure that the attack is within shadowar, tekken 6, and tower of souls. It has to somehow take down a character from full. How that is going to be done I’ll leave that up to the deck creator.
Now lets look at the possible characters…
Jin Kazama*: Why Jin. This card only works if you got 3 other Jins in play and your kill attack is a multiple. That’s it. Other then that he should not be considered.
Kisheri: Kisheri has the potential to shed her opponents hand to make the one attack that goes through being the only attack. But this doesn’t seem right for the time table the original posted . Kisheri can kill on turn 3 with the right offensive build. The control build would not be needed.
Padma*: If you are running that many foundations then Padma yells to be played. She doesn’t need attacks to attack. This makes it so that your opponent is taking 3-5 damage a turn possibly with little cost to you. The 7 handsize lends itself to drawing into your attack and also getting a lot of foundations into play.
Ragnar**: Its an weird way to look at him. But its possible. He has enough health to stall. Add in Heir to the storm to the deck you could get everything you wanted setup. He blows up his own huge staging area for crazy damage. He has 2 built in damage pumps that would make him crazy strong. He could kill with flooded nile throw or Sandstorm throw.
Rashotep: His E slows everything down for you to get out his cards just to end it with a big attack. He has more then enough cards to lock most decks down.
Zhao Daiyu: This is my bet on the card in question. She has the potential to keep widdling down health off various attacks. By the time the attack comes there is little damage that has to be done.