Rate this Character out of 10: The Dragon Priestess?

By kain7th, in Talisman



Picture from talismanisland

Maybe a 4 at best

Matters if your playing with the Dragons or not - either one of the two dragon endings or the dragons rules themselves. Because you can play without them. Most of the Dragons characters are a bit weaker without the massive dragon draws. But the Dragon Priestess is better than most.

I would say a 5, but with saying that I do love playing her. That pray roll with followers geeeeez.

if playing with Dragons she's quite good 6 or 7 out of 10

if playing without Dragons, she's not so hot, 4/10.

She's better with dragons for sure (and we only use dragon chars when dragon exp is in play), but I don't like her and prefer not to use her if given a choice. She's to dependent on luck and the few times she's been in play she's been hopeless. So all together, in my opinion, a 3/10.

Before the Woodlands expansion I would have said a 2. Now that fate is a little more useful I would say a 4. Starting with 2 strength is just atrocious in this game when she has no real gimmick to win strength battles.

If you were playing just the core game with only the dragon expansion she is probably a 6.

I always take into account that this rating out of 10 is with 6 players and allcurrent expansions but the full Dragons rules.

Until she gets followers, she's difficult to build up. Everything depends on luck (as previously stated).

However, once she gets followers she can do quite well for herself. She can pray a lot at the Temple to gain craft or strength, or she can pray a lot at the High Temple in the City expansion to gain both strength AND craft in one turn.

The downside to this is that the other characters will be building up in other ways, probably at a faster pace.

I would need to have two other very weak characters to pick from if I were to voluntarily choose to play this character.

3 out of 10.

3 or 4 out of 10. There aren't that many cultists or dragons if you're using all of the expansions. Her ritual ability is pretty cool, though.