Low volume since Rebellion update

By Silent Disapproval Robot, in Star Wars Dice App

Anyone else find that the max volume is now very, very low on iPhone? I can barely hear the app sound effects when I'm in a quiet room now.

Yes, I'm experiencing the same problem after updating. I have an iPhone 5 with latest os. I was using XW and Armada dice at my FLGS last night and couldn't hear anything unless it was right by my ear. I double checked that all volumes (ringer and app) were turned up to max and there wasn't another audio source (Bluetooth) active. I also tried a shutdown and reboot with no change. I love the app, the sound effects are the primary reason. Thanks in advance for making the fix.



Thanks for the very prompt reply to the email I sent. Any word on when the fix is due? I promise I won't get the village to swarm the castle with torches if it's not released on the exact date. When asked for a due date where I work, I always add a week and put the qualifier "on or about" before the date. I'll take an "on or about …". Thanks for your hard work.