Wow, that wiring on the Gamorrean weapon is really cool looking. Will definitely do that, if I paint my second squad. While I'm not down with the thematic/look of all your conversions, they are very impressive and good looking!!!
Polda paints more FFG plastic
21 hours ago, aermet69 said:Wow, that wiring on the Gamorrean weapon is really cool looking. Will definitely do that, if I paint my second squad. While I'm not down with the thematic/look of all your conversions, they are very impressive and good looking!!!
Regarding the changes - I went accurate with nearly everything (with the exception of Loku and some Return to Hoth stuff) and decided it's a large galaxy and it's enjoyable to come up with these silly tweaks.
Speaking of which:
Final IA updates before selling the lot.
Are you quitting the game?
On 7/6/2017 at 6:05 PM, Force Majeure said:Are you quitting the game?
Yes, no time to play the campaign (each person in our group plays some other competitive game so the scheduling is a nightmare) and skirmish is giving me high blood pressure and homicidal moods over the stupid f*cking damage creep.
So for the sake of not getting a heart attack or a prison sentence, I'm done.
And Runewars and X-Wing allow me to use more interesting color palettes.
I've been eyeing Runewars mini from a distance. How do you play it? I mean, are you going down to your LGS or just with some friends/family at home? Do you feel pretty good about it (is it fun)?
15 hours ago, Force Majeure said:I've been eyeing Runewars mini from a distance. How do you play it? I mean, are you going down to your LGS or just with some friends/family at home? Do you feel pretty good about it (is it fun)?
I am in a country where even X-Wing, as popular as it is has around 20 players that come to tournaments. That's in the capital.
Right now there are two of us playing. We don't play any of the not well balanced stuff that is taking the international meta by storm (Dispatch Runner which allows you to get another attack out of a nearby unit, massing up on as many of the Human Cavalry as possible etc.).
And yet, playing the same person a lot, I am having more fun with Runewars than I ever was with imperial Assault as it is a simpler and faster game.
There is no campaign but the objectives are interesting and it supports custom terrain - more hobby opportunities!
Plus I play the Undead and the minis like Carrion Lancers aka the Party Worms are hilarious.
I made a necromancer's staff into a Mad Max Fury Road-esque flamethrower guitar!
There is a ton of modding and unique paint schemes going around which speaks to me more than replicating existing Star Wars figures' paint jobs (with X-Wing I already stopped giving a **** about the Star Wars aesthetic which is not as easy with Assault apart from the heroes).
Edited by PoldaOn 2016. 05. 23. at 10:32 PM, FrogTrigger said:I hate to play double agent here, but I am looking for all the advice I can get. I just finished my first set of Storm Troopers, my first ever miinis, and am looking for feed back and tips on areas to improve for the next batch. Sorry for bad quality.
I think my biggest concern at this point is brush care, I had pieces of old paint and/or bristles coming off during the Ardcoat that then got stuck on the mini
First of all i am not the one who paints my miniatures. My dear wife does.
My job was to find the materials for her.
But i saw a significant jump in quality after she get a realy thin Windsor-Newton Series 7 brush for the small details.
(No advertise)
Another jump was when she started to use spray to undercoat instead of painting it.
Maybe it helps
I realy appreciate those like you who paint there own miniatureas
Keep up the good work
Hey Bud,
Really nice work, just wondering if you could let me know the color/wash you used for the hired guns and Trandosians skin?
On 7/21/2017 at 3:58 AM, Polda said:There is a ton of modding and unique paint schemes going around which speaks to me more than replicating existing Star Wars figures' paint jobs (with X-Wing I already stopped giving a **** about the Star Wars aesthetic which is not as easy with Assault apart from the heroes).
I've been checking out your Runewars Minis thread . Holy Cow! I thought your IA stuff was pretty good, but something about RWM really makes your painting sing!
I get what you're saying about being tied to existing schemes. Every main character that's painted looks kinda like every other guys and if you choose to go "off model" it really doesn't look right usually. That is something I struggle with; I like having unique looking figures.
I'm happy to say I picked up RWM recently. I hope to get to paint them soon!
Edited by Force MajeureUpdate: I didn't sell IA. Didn't touch skirmish since summer. Waited for the app to find out it was great! Here's to hoping someone makes a custom campaign software so we can have more of that ;-)
Now I'm re-touching some of my heroes - especially the crappy core set (the IA core are some of the first minis I ever painted)
How did you do the flamethrower? Im thinking if copying it for legion
On 1/13/2018 at 11:21 AM, Jabby said:How did you do the flamethrower? Im thinking if copying it for legion
It's a thin wire with clump foliage soaked in PVA glue. Once the glue set I sprayed it black several times and then painted the clumps of foam dark gray, gray, red, orange, yellow, beige and white... Just drybrush carefully. Or you could airbrush it.
I found the steps online at the time but don't have the link anymore.