Skirmish Question

By Caliban, in StarCraft

Hi All,

This came up recently:

2 protoss scouts attacked an area containing 2 mutalisks and 1 scourge. The attacker arranged two skirmishes against the two mutalisks, leaving the scourge out. As the scourge is not a FLU nor an assist unit, what does it do? The way we ended up playing it was having the scourge just sit and do nothing, the two mutalisks were destroyed and the scouts were then forced to retreat. Was this correct? Thanks.

that's correct

scourge is not assist unit

so treat is as normal unit with support value = 0

I dont understand why there is no rule for Scourge and Inf, Terran to add +1 attack when supporting but has to destroy itself.

RESHETO. said:

I dont understand why there is no rule for Scourge and Inf, Terran to add +1 attack when supporting but has to destroy itself.

When you attack - it's no problem to you, because you set up skirmishes.

When you defend - you may use your Defensive module in most situations.

In addition, both Infested Terrans and Scrouges have very high attack / price ratio.

So that they really don't need any more advantages.

Thanks for the answers. Our last game went until 4am. It can be hard to think at that point in the night. gran_risa.gif

Caliban said:

Thanks for the answers. Our last game went until 4am. It can be hard to think at that point in the night. gran_risa.gif

how many players ?

my group atmost 4 players never beyond 2 hour(we rush each other)

but the shortest game is 5 min (not include set up ^-^)

it's a good game i really like them

6 players, most of whom had only played the game once before and one who had never played. Only myself and one other person had 3 games worth of experience. We started setting up at 9:30 and ended at 4am. We tend to take a long time though. Not sure why exactly. It gets really silly when we play Twilight Imperium. The last game of that took 16 hours. bostezo.gif