All 7 Monsters on 1 Street !!!

By Esto, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Something happened this morning that has never occurred before in my 1st 35 investigations of AH.

In a 4 Investigator solo game, all 7 monsters descended on Miskatonic University street (where Gloria Goldberg happens to be interacting with the Ancient Whispers token). Three of these monsters swooped in from the sky & 4 others raced in from 3 different locations/streets as the Mythos card was revealed. What a rare sight & a frightening one for Gloria.

Now if only she can use her "Summon Shantak" spell to escape next turn. Otherwise she is doomed. Gloria currently has 5 Lore so her chances for success are fairly good.

I play only one turn each day --- so I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out. The suspense mounts ....

Those are situations where you hope and pray you have Hank Samson decked out ready to open the proverbial can.

Wow, that's interesting! Go Gloria! Mount the mount and not the suspance!

The Shantak swooped up Gloria & skilfully evaded all 7 monsters. It brought her to the safety of Independence Square which already had an Elder Sign for protection. But Gloria's instincts as a writer prompted her to eavesdrop on a small band of gypsies inside their camp. Everything was going well & she was gleaning lots of useful information until a tiny barking dog alerted the gypsies to an intruder in their midst. Unfortunately, this resulted in Gloria getting Cursed via their knowledge of Black Magic.

It's ironic that Gloria could evade 7 of the worst Lovecraftian monsters and, within the time span of an hour, suffer a severe affliction because of a small barking dog!

Oh, how I love Arkham Horror. It's #2 on my all-time favourite list of games.

Ooc, what's number 1?

Ooc, what's number 1?

Duel of Ages 2

If you review my collection of games on Boardgamegeek, you will find my comments on both DOA 2 & AH.

I would love to put my hands on Duel of Ages 2, but the price, oh the price....

Done :)

I love this:

I play only one turn each day --- so I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out. The suspense mounts ....

I can just imagine the suspense and the excitement; I recently played AH over a series of evenings -too few investigators, DH expansion, no experience, etc. got whipped good and proper- and I cannot say that the experience was diluted any.

And how fickle lady luck is revealed to be, poor, poor Gloria. I'm eager to hear the continuing adventure