A few questions after my first play through

By FellintoOblivion, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

1. Can anyone point me to the part of the rules where it actually states enemies spawned into the shadow zone are spawned face down? I know they are but I can't find it in the rules and my OCD is driving me nuts.

2. If the Waywatcher begins her activation with no wounds on her, chooses to attack, rolls enough successes to kill an enemy and takes damage from an enemy herself can she heal the damage she just took? I want to say yes as I didn't see anything in the rules that requires me to resolve the healing part of the action before she receives the wounds.

3. Since the peril tracker starts on a green space in the second quest do you start the quest by distributing two wounds? My gut says no and that it's green just because the peril tracker can go forward and back in this quest.


cannot do 1) atm but can answer 2) & 3)

2) When you do an action you read from the top down. So you do the attack, Apply the results, then carry on with the text. So yes you can heal post damage with the way watcher.

3) No official on this but I believe the tracker goes down before Characterset are in play. So yes only take damage later.

1) If you look in the rules reference on page 11 the first bullet point under Locations reads:

When a location is revealed, players spawn a number of faceup and facedown enemies, based on the spawn icons presented on the active location card.

Is there a thing like maximum health points? I don't remember reading about it, so maybe Waywatcher can heal beyond the starting value.

Health values do not decrease when you take damage. It's not like many RPGs where your hit points are reduced by taking damage.

Instead, you collect wounds. Healing means you remove wounds, not increase your health value. Unless you have an item that specifically increases the health value, the health value doesn't change due to damage or healing.

So, you can't heal beyond your health value. Because healing means to remove wounds, not to increase your health.

Edited by JohnGarrison1870