Are there any more supplements coming out?

By KaiserBruno, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Just wondering if anymore supplements are planned. I have everyan thing released for 2nd edition but I am looking forward to more. The first Dark Heresy had a lot of support. I'm hoping 2nd edition gets the same treatment.

Wouldn't mind seeing another adventure released at the very least, as I thought Forgotten Gods was a great adventure myself.

I feel the exact same way. This is a great line and it would be premature of FFG to discontinue new products so soon. It's my hope we will receive the same level of support (especially as the quality of writing is higher. In my opinion, Forgotten Gods outclasses any of the 1st edition adventures by a considerable margin). Unfortunately the current precedent may indicate that they may be done with DH. The past two 40k RPGs: Black Crusade and Only War were incredibly short lived. This may be because their themes were not as popular or the fact that if it's not Star Wars, FFG aren't that interested (seriously, I love FFG but they are quickly proving it's possible to be burnt out on Stars Wars). It could also be a mixture of the two.

Honestly, the supplements we have are great and whilst there's still room for a lot more, we have enough material for many more years of gaming. However, as someone who really doesn't have much free time, if they were to announce a new adventure trilogy, I'd be very happy!

There's speculation (based on a single line of fluff in the DH2e rulebook) that there's a chance they may redo Rogue Trader as a supplement to Dark Heresy. I think this makes a lot of commercial sense, the current business model isn't particularly sustainable for themselves or us customers. If they make DH2e the main 40k RPG and then add module books for different flavours, I think a lot of us would appreciate that.

Edited by Gregor Eisenhorn

Agreed. There is a lot to work with still (I also own all the Only War books so I can pull a good deal of material from them as well) though at the very least another adventure book and maybe an expanded bestiary would be nice.

And as much as I love Star Wars, I can't really get into FFG's system for it. That and the fact there isn't really an Imperial supplement kind of drags it down further (I've always preferred the Empire to the Rebels).

Fantasy Flight is normally pretty good about keeping quiet and NDAs. The truth is we don't know what they are cooking up, but there is nothing on the horizon. A lot of suggestion has been made that we're done for while due to Star Wars fever running rampant.

That sucks. I GM Pathfinder as my regular game so I am use to having more support than I know what to do with. Its very jarring to see how little support most of FFG game lines get in comparison.

It's a shame that this might be put on hold till Star Wars dies down a bit.

You could always just roll your own.

Already working on my own stuff (more Eldar gear and enemies in particular). It's just nice to have official material.

It's a shame that this might be put on hold till Star Wars dies down a bit.

That's actually wishful thinking. A lot of us kind of assume that Dark Heresy 2E is done. It had a kinda lukewarm reception. It's fun. I run it. I'll keep running it. I make material for it. It's a specialist game though and those are always rough sells. We've seen some expansions not show up with BC and OW. There have been some big sales recently to effectively dump material at low cost. The enthusiasm for DH during the 1E time period was much higher.

Edited by fog1234

Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, I am falling into the group that thinks Dark Heresy 2nd Edition is on its last legs. My hope is that we get a 'Player's Handbook' with plenty of options to keep new options on the table and a Sector Guide/Bestiary/Plot-Hook book to provide shenanigan ideas and actually give the Askellon Sector a little more love before it topples, though.

It probably just isn't selling well enough to warrant more supplements.

2e has a big price tag for someone who has 1e + a stack of supplements

Especially when 2e isn't a huge change over 1e

I bought it, and am running it - but beyond character gen and advancement there's no systemic difference to be worth mentioning

That said it means I can run scenarios without any work

(Just played Starwars for a year, and its terrible imo)

I'm supplementing DH2e with some stuff from DH1 (mainly the adventures) and I'll look into importing some stuff from Only War in the future. Having recently gone through all the Enemies X books, I'm happy with the amount of material we have. What I'd like to see however is a couple more expansions in threats that's have merely been touched (namely Necrons and Tyranids) and a few more adventures set in Askellon, addressing the Pandaemonium. Now that's it's been fleshed out a bit, I find Askellon a lot more interesting that Calixis.

It probably just isn't selling well enough to warrant more supplements.

I wonder how much of a profit margin WH40KRP stuff is generating. I mean, we all know that the Star Wars license is FFG 's 'cash cow', but if I were running a game company, I'd want to have as large a 'footprint' in the industry as possible. Even if a game line does nothing but break even, I'd still try to support it (as long as that didn't divert vital resources away from profitable projects), if for no other reason than to increase the company's visibility and draw more visitors to the company website (were they can be advertised to). My 2 cents...

It probably just isn't selling well enough to warrant more supplements.

I wonder how much of a profit margin WH40KRP stuff is generating. I mean, we all know that the Star Wars license is FFG 's 'cash cow', but if I were running a game company, I'd want to have as large a 'footprint' in the industry as possible. Even if a game line does nothing but break even, I'd still try to support it (as long as that didn't divert vital resources away from profitable projects), if for no other reason than to increase the company's visibility and draw more visitors to the company website (were they can be advertised to). My 2 cents...

I would imagine, that if the cost of production was added up - paying the writers, layout, publishing, printing and distribution - it comes to less than the income from the number of books sold, sadly.

I want to release my own 40k alternate "timeline / dimension" - I never have liked since day one a lot of the fluff nor xenos / I've mentioned this numerous times under the pretense of comic book multiversing (think MARVEL'S Earth 616); with all the inconsistencies and future doubt as to if the line will go the route of "Fantasy" (umm Age of Sigmar)...

If/when I do this "alternate" 40k dimension I'll post the whole on the forums herein as I seek no monetary compensation for my imagination / love of the hobby.



I find it quite sad, that there is no information about the future of the 40k line. My group and me like the setting and the work FFG published. I could imagine that it is still a niche product and has a hard time to find enough customers to validate future development.

Nonetheless I would really appreciate it (and I guess many more readers), if there would be some kind of announcement to the planned future of the line. If it is on a temporary hold, it is ended or there are supplements being developed. I can't imagine that any kind of news about the line might hurt. Any kind of press statement and / or advertisement can only produce attention.

Its all about "marketing" - say FFG and Games Workshop get together with Smiteworks - makers of Fantasy Grounds - then released a Campaign Set for it all on Steam (like they just did for D&D AND Call of Cthulhuto name some titles) then this would take off. People who dont know PNP RPGs would then make the connection and eventual leap (like I did) from video games to PNP RPG of the same name!

Its a no brainer - at this point I feel the owners at Gameworkshop are prolly all family or friends or both - and squabbling behind the scenes over profits / content and the line's / company's overall direction... This is all I can ponder to guess at why such a GREAT IP is floundering in its own domain (that being RPGs and Table Top Gaming).

If that truly is the problem its gonna be funny to see those at the top cause ruin of the whole (this is a MSG to you Games Workshop)

I wonder if there's any interest in a community effort to make an unofficial expansion? This would effectively be a joint effort to update some of the remaining DH1 content into DH2 format (Xenos beast generator and NPCs I'm looking at you), fresh player content as well as some of the better stuff that has been put up here (such as that mission hub creator) and maybe a section on player suggested house rulings for controversial rules such as Overwatch and Accurate. We could put it together professionally so it looks like it fits with rest of the DH2e line and end up with something useful to the community.

I wonder if there's any interest in a community effort to make an unofficial expansion?

We tried that with DH1 a while back (see here ); after some initial excitement, interest quickly waned. For some reason, WH40KRP doesn't generate nearly as much fan-made content as other RPGs I'm familiar with. Not sure what's up with that...

There were a ton of good supplements made though. I've got a huge folder full of high quality Dark Heresy 1E modules. There were a ton of people working on back then. I don't know if a community expansion would be great though. People might not take it seriously.

Where I would go would be new one-shot campaigns.

Some people also just don't get along. I seem to recall several people tried to create a more filled list of player races, for the new Star Wars material, and they quickly devolved into bickering, anger, and forum burn wars over the slights they threw at each other. Much like there, many people here may have differing views on how 40k works, and while the game certainly allows GMs to be flexible, in their own games, when you sit several people down, and say "build something together", then these differing viewpoints can be problematic.

Mostly, I'm not sure what content is missing, that people want, for their own games, but that they won't just make up. DH and DH2 are somewhat different, but all of the 40k lines have borne some similarities, so if you have 1, and understand it, and 2, you should be able to convert it, or ask for it, specifically. I know I get lazy when I'm trying to do a high work-volume thing, if I don't feel each of those pieces is acutely valuable to me. Certain spots begin to dull, and the whole work looks less polished, as a result. Babble complete.

More one-shot adventures would be fantastic.

~ alemander

While I would certainly like to see more, I'm just glad that they finished up the "Enemies (where)" series and didn't leave us hanging forever like they did with the Tome of Decay.

True. Only war still owes me a book, as I see it (I WON'T likely see it :( ), and it's the one of the three I most wanted. Without being an expert in the system, I grant that there really wasn't too much else psykers needed, but it still might've been nice to see the book, just for lols.

Weird thing; I bought every RT book, except for Soul Reaver (not a fan of Dark Eldar, over other Eldar), much of DH1, and some of DW, OW, and DH2, even the book for BC, but Star Wars, which I love, I typically can't convince myself to shell out for, right now, and that's what FFG seems to be focusing on. Oh well, more money for me. ;)

It'd be nice if more fan-made stuff existed but I think it comes down to the system not really being designed to accommodate a lot of homebrew. There's no real equivalent to a gamemaster's guide or something that gives you real tips or advice on how to structure and build a game of 40K RPG. I'm still super surprised that, aside from Koronus Bestiary for RT, there are no real books that provided tools on making custom NPCs. A lot of the mechanics for 40K stuff aren't easy to deconstruct and rebuild by yourself so I can see a lot of people not wanting to invest a tonne of time into building workable content.

What I would give for a customisable psychic power system rather than the more strictly defined "spell" system we have now. Unfortunately I am an inherently lazy GM so I couldn't be stuffed building/modifying an entire sub-system.